Older workers being forced into retirement
What do a 60-something sales executive and a 59-year-old mental health worker have in common?
They’re among the growing legion of unemployed older workers who say the recession has put them on a path toward early retirement. Except, given their cost of living, they’re pretty sure that’s something they can’t afford to do.
Add to that the ambivalence about working for pay at a time when they thought they would be doing something else and you’ve got a major problem, suggests a recent study from Metlife entitled “Buddy, Can You Spare a Job?”
But, maintains Wellesley College economist Phillip Levine, a much larger group of workers ages 62 to 69 could find themselves with a thornier problem: No job, no prospect for finding one and little retirement savings to fall back on.
Levine notes that the retirement effect caused by unemployment has been, until recently, concentrated among less-educated groups. Overall, more-educated workers have been able to hang in despite rising unemployment rates, the study found. But this is likely to change, forcing more higher-end employees out the door.
While that’s good news for younger workers struggling to find a job because no-one is willing to clean out their desks, it doesn’t bode well for many early boomers, says Steve Sass who heads up the the Center for Retirement Research.
Have they had their chance? Do you have much sympathy for the plight of older workers?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Lisa | Feb 24, 2022 10:21:08 AM
Yes, I have a great deal of sympathy for the "older workers"...and it's NOT just the 60 something's. Basically, in most cases, if you're in your 40's or older and you're NOT in the "career" you wanted, tough luck!! They tell you to go back to school. But why??? Noone wants to hire someone for a "career" position in their 40's...and god forbid, you're older than that!
So, the bottom line in this country...with the "system" we have... which some learn too late in life...don't screw up your life TOO much in your 20's and 30's...because you DON'T get a second chance! You honestly MUST know in your 20's what GREAT career you want in to, to make a GREAT success of your life...or you probably WON'T get whatever you dreamed about in your youth.
Posted by: Angus63 | Feb 24, 2022 11:44:39 AM
Being in my mid 40s was a scary prospect given the recent economic melt down.
Greedy Bankers and Oil speculators.
I lost a 28 year job when the plant I was working shut down. I possess above average intelligence, unfortunately there was not much call for 40 something longshoremen in my region.
IN my current education process I am learning about the aging population.
Al of those that are practicing ageism need to be aware that the first of the Baby Boomers hit 65 next year. As a matter of fact the largest growing age sector of society is 80+ years old.
Now in the up coming years this attitude that 40 is old will be exploded.
Think about it, for the next 18 years their will huge numbers of people turning 65.
By 2025 some 20% of he population in Canada will be in that age bracket, more than enough to sway public policy.
Within the next 20 years the demographics of Canada (and the US for that matter) will look very different. Another thing will be that if you are caucasian you will probably be a visible minority given the current immigration trends and the birth rates amongst of immigrants. The caucasian population is not even sustaining itself in North America and Europe.
So be careful of the toes you step on today as they may be connected to the a$$ you may have to kiss tomorrow.
Posted by: Canuckguy | Feb 24, 2022 8:30:55 PM
I share your bleak outlook, Agnus. I am a baby boomer already retired and I am pessimistic about the future for my children's generation. Also I am sure glad not to be a 40 something this day and age.
"The caucasian population is not even sustaining itself in North America and Europe.". Yup, this is a real problem, due to our spoiled generations which includes baby boomers, their and our relentless pursuit of comfort and material goods at the sacrifice of children, either having too few kids and marrying later in life if marrying at all, our house of cards will come crashing down in slow motion.
Posted by: Nancy | Feb 24, 2022 9:59:17 PM
What does caucasian have to do with anything? I am caucasian and am not threatened by the fact that my two bosses are not. People are people.
I am more threatened by the age (which I thought was the topic of this article, not the race of the population) The fact that I am 55 and female is seen as a liability to employers and sometimes to coworkers when in the interview process, as they don't know if I will have the energy or savvy to do what they need.
These days, there are many people trying to catch up financially, because our society has told us to spend, spend, spend, and we have done so. We haven't put ourselves in a position to retire, for the most part. So yes, I have sympathy for older workers in a tough position. I also have sympathy for the ones just entering the job market, and all the ones in between. It's a tough world to be working in, or trying to find a position in.
Posted by: TC | Feb 24, 2022 10:42:19 PM
Ill be 59 in a month and havent worked in over a year and a half now. I was the victim of a corporate downsizing and bankruptcy in 2008 that left 3 plants in the GTA closing and over 600 people gone in all, with more coming in the first quarter of this year. Didnt get all my pension and prob wont. Did get severance but its well gone. I fear living past 75 or so because even by being thrifty and living off a small fraction of what I used to make, Im going to run out of money. Im looking, but my field is drying up due to a government legislation change. Im too old to go back to univ for a realistic career change, and no one wants to hire a 59 year old . And Im a lucky one not having to go thru expensive and difficult things like divorce and/or stock\RRSP losses. I fear for some of my generation. I'll be happy to get to 75 anyways - its all I expected in my 20s. And I just know the CPP and OAS are gonna change once all us boomers hit 65-70 . The nation cant afford it.
Posted by: Innadiated | Feb 25, 2022 2:40:51 AM
It sure is comin crashing down. Commentors, ever hear of the term "peak oil" ? I won't go into details, but in short its very bad.. if your interested I will be linking some resources here. But essentially the world has hit this peak and the cost of oil has skyrocketed and now no economy anywhere can ever grow ever again! Please join my group on facebook and help make others aware of the real issue that plagues society today.
My Facebook Group on peak oil: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=276821204421&ref=nf
Documentary on peak oil: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSQ0KtnaMVc
Movie about peak oil: http://www.collapsemovie.com/
Fact Sheet on peak oil: http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/
Another Doc on peak oil: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUUoRYD9VBc
Article of Saudi Arabia announcing peak oil: http://www.consumerenergyreport.com/2010/02/15/saudi-energy-adviser-alarmed-about-peak-oil-pushes-for-diversified-economy/
Article about how along with peak oil the economic elites used a ponzo scheme to take everyones money: http://www.alternet.org/economy/145667/the_economic_elite_have_engineered_an_extraordinary_coup,_threatening_the_very_existence_of_the_middle_class/
Wall Street announcing peak oil: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704140104575057260398292350.html?mod=wsj_share_facebook
Bloomberg warning the rich of coming resource war: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aImBVle3OMyo
And finally debt itself: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/7273332/Darius-Guppy-our-world-balances-on-a-sea-of-debt.html
Join my group, we've been had people!
Posted by: Lisa | Feb 25, 2022 8:19:03 AM
Nancy: Different races/cultures have different thoughts, beliefs and morals...and it DOES impact our society.
TC: Man, I feel for you. Do what a friend of mine did...also in 50's...move to a secluded area...where land is CHEAP and buy a piece of land, and build on it. Use the resources ON the land.
It's a different lifestyle than the city, but my friend says, you get used to it.
Lastly, don't worry about the CPP and OAS running out. There are alot of baby boomers who had "well off" parents who will be inheriting money. THOSE people won't care too much about getting money from the gov't. Good luck!!
Posted by: Nicole | Feb 25, 2022 1:40:50 PM
Losing your job, at any age, is a severe loss
Posted by: SP | Mar 3, 2022 10:24:47 AM
The solution to government debt and to the 'older' workers employment plight is to eliminate retirement as a concept. Retain a baseline of disability payment but if a person is fit & healthy (which is what our universal health care is striving for) why should you not work?
Posted by: Don | Mar 3, 2022 5:02:09 PM
If there was no reitrement would employers hire the "aged". According to this article....... no
I know that I for one do not want to work until I am 100 if I live that long. This would turn into an huge argument . If you were a smoker, obese, consumer alcohol.......would you not be "disabled " sooner than someone who has not? Would someone with a clean lifestlye be forced to continue to work? All kinds of problems wth no retirement. If a person chooses to work after what is being deemed "retirement age" then it should be a choice. There are many now doing just that now because they are finding they can not live on what old age security is paying.. Maybe no retirement if you are not self supporting? I have paid into this plan for 30+ years, so if the goverment did away with retirement are they going to give the money back or would it be just a huge retroactive tax grab, hitting the people who have paid the longest the hardest?
Posted by: Lisa | Mar 3, 2022 6:59:04 PM
SP--you want people to love their jobs sooo much, they don't want to leave. I HAVE heard of that, in some cases, but it's usually the rich people (ironically). Maybe it's the people "married" to their jobs...and is THAT really a good thing??
As for our "wonderful" universal health care system...believe it or not...it needs alot of help...and I know this from experience...but that's a whole other topic, isn't it? ;)
Posted by: Daniel | Mar 5, 2022 1:42:10 AM
I'm just turned 58, and have found it increasingly difficult over the last five years to find meaningfull employement. A carpenter/renovator and have been mostly self employed, most of my youthfull life. Now that I'm older I have been looking to work for a larger more stable company. No luck! I'm discrimanated against because of AGE and RACE, I"M caucasion. It has happened over and over, I can put in commercial door in 25 to 35 minets hardware included and adjusted if nessary. Younge guys take an hour plus to do the same. Then I'm asked to finnish their work, or do the adjustment, because they don't know how! At the end of the job the younge guy is hired full time , I'm lucky if I can go onto the net project.
Posted by: acamos | Mar 5, 2022 2:27:04 AM
I think you're all missing the point. For years now we have heard the rumblings..Watch out for your pension. By the time you reach the golden years there will be no money left in the coffers.They (who ever they are) were right.Didn't we put money away for that cushion in the future? You damn right we did! And we played into their hands like goats to the slaughter. These are the first years in all of history that literally everyone of the middle class to the working poor LOST more than they could ever save. We gave it away to the greed that is plaguing this world . Three years ago government allowed speculative greed to raise gas prices to the point that most of us couldn't afford to feed our families and still drive. So out comes the credit cards as a means of income: just to stay afloat. Then the governments allowed those financial agencies to raise rates to almost 30% so they can gouge us even more. This year we hear that over 50% of mortgage holders are over three months late on payments and credit card holders are at least that and more late on theirs. And Harper says we're great in Canada financially. Really? Bankruptcys are up, homes are empty. Just watch our bubble burst. Maybe with no more money left to squeeze the Rich of this world will see what hurt truly is!
Posted by: Marie | Mar 5, 2022 2:45:50 AM
I would like to ask if it 's legal to spend retirement pension outside Canada or US. I read stories about some retirees who go to countries in Asia and live there because whatever amount they would be receiving, would afford them more luxuries in life in their later years when spent in those countries. They could even hire household help, a personal driver, and rent a nice townhouse with more or less a $1,000 a month of pension which if spent in Canada and US would not be enough to live by. It would just pay for rent. Maybe, they just have to choose which cities are safe because some are not.
Good luck to all! I hope this helps.
Posted by: Dennis | Mar 5, 2022 3:41:06 AM
A lot of interesting comments here. My mother inlaw sucessfully changed jobs at 65 her husband 64,has had a heart attack so is early retired he is a non smoker and drinker by the way. they dont nearly have enough savings. I am 45 and support my disabled wife and 2 younger children. we have a tough time saving for retirement even though i make about 100 gand a year.46|G net after taxes.but I also work 7 days a week and ofen can work in excess of 20 hours a day.I work in the oil patch and pay is based mostly on field bonus for work performed. So pay checks can be very small or large.At this rate I dont need to worry about retirement as I will probably keel over by age56 from all the long hours, lol. I was talking to some guys from germany and they have much better pension plans then us for example after they lost the war, ever soilder still recieved a good pension much higher than any canadian vet who served in Korea.Also many third world countires Kurdistan for example have free collage education. Belgium a much better medical system that covers proceedures not covered here,like invitro fertization. My advise pay attention who the messanger is it .For exaple,collage of physicans telling us what a great medical proffesion we have
Posted by: Lisa | Mar 5, 2022 8:02:58 AM
"Acamos," you're talking about taxes. Yes, I get that idea. As far as the rich ever hurting...maybe in the back woods, if they haven't learned how to start a fire properly?? Who are you kidding?? More money, gives more money. The rich won't hurt. If you learn anything, just learn to work hard..and be happy for your years on this year. Do you realize centuries ago, people only lived until 40?
And...Harper has not said we're doing well financially.Where do you get your information? The reason I like the guy is because HE knows we've GOT to cut back spending. The problem that guy has is a "minority" government. He can't do anything without the wildly spending Liberals and NDP's coming down on him. Honestly, I feel sorry for that guy.
Last comment is to "Dennis." I think what you are saying is we actually need changes in our parliamentary system. THAT is our core problem. I believe you are right there.
Posted by: BigD | Mar 5, 2022 8:22:28 AM
Well, I might as well get my 2 cents in. 53 yrs old, Hons. B.Sc. in Physical/Biological Sciences, M.Sc. in Applied Statistics, College Diploma in Computer Science, 30+ yrs in Business sector, live alternate lifestyle (wood burning furnace on 93 acres in country) and have a work search area of 150 km around home - Kingston to Peterborough to Oshawa. I've been on 4 contracts for last 3 yrs (no benefits and at 80% of what I used to make) and commute 1 1/2 hrs to work AFTER working for a company for 12 years in I.T. before down-sizing!! I've dyed my hair and lost 40 lbs to try and look younger!! If the house and property weren't paid for then I'd be in trouble. Constantly, looking for next contract if stressful. I've got 2 step-kids (one in college), one grown daughter and two grandkids. Without any benefits, I don't think I'll be able to help them the way my parents helped me ... don't know how older workers with less education than me and mortgage can take the stress ... I really really hurt for them. My situation isn't even close to dire ... something needs to be done but not sure what ... quick government solutions are like putting a band-aid on a broken bone ... useless!
Posted by: Paul Malik | Mar 5, 2022 9:37:41 AM
I was laid off from my bookkeeping job under 'Buy American' or Obama's protectionism policy. Except sales staff, most of accounting jobs were moved to US Head office although source of income for my company are Canadian clients. In this internet world, all jobs are being outsourced to save money. I applied for upgrading my skills under Action Plan to Ontario Government but it was rejected by VPI, Bolton office under Ontario Govt. due to lack of funding and hidden discrimination. Govt. boasts too much on action plan but really speaking it is not helping people like me. People in the age group of 60 to 63 are neither able to get old age security pension or job nor do they can afford to learn new skills because ultimately no one will offer job based on age. Practically, there is monoply of white skin people in government and public sector or office jobs and all jobs are filled from back door entry. Employment Agencies are biggest source of spreading discrimiantion in jobs. They are Hitler of Germany.
Government should consider reducing eligibility for old age pension to 60 as it is in most countries of the world. Government never thought about fate of such people. The savings, if any, are there cannot stand long until people turn 65.
Posted by: emile | Mar 5, 2022 9:49:57 AM
im 77 years old i cant see why they ge t the mney they are getting .i think its to much.look at our old age pensions and cpp wow what a raise we got ,i think t was .1.00 boy what a raise we got
Posted by: HandEmployer | Mar 5, 2022 10:01:39 AM
You guys are all morons. So you retire and you don't have enough money to support yourself? Well then, better think about cutting your expenses. It's your ridiculous ways of life that got us here. Tighten up that belt buckle and deal with it.