Do you smell good enough to fly Jazz Air?
As Canadians, we’re always looking for an edge over our Yankee counterparts, who constantly accuse us of having an inferiority complex the size of Michael Clarke Duncan.
Yet when we’ve exhausted all avenues – when boasting “we’re just nicer than you” or “at least the whole world doesn’t hate us” is no longer accepted – there’s only one thing left for us to do.
Kick an American off our airplanes.
Such was the case in a recent story getting a lot of buzz worldwide, which saw a U.S. traveller kicked off a Jazz Air flight because of his “brutal” body odour.
According to the Guardian newspaper from Charlottetown, the American visiting Prince Edward Island caused so much of a stink aboard the Canadian airline he had to be deplaned before takeoff.
“People were just mumbling and staring at him,” one witness told the paper. “The guy next to me said ‘(his smell is) brutal.’”
A Jazz Air spokesperson told CNN the man was manoeuvred about the flight to find a spot where his natural cologne could be isolated, but no agreeable resolution was found.
“It’s important to understand that our crew members make every effort to resolve a situation before it becomes an issue,” she said. “Unfortunately, in some circumstances, it may become necessary for our crew to remove passengers.”
Now, pick-a-side time: you really do feel bad for the poor guy, but – my goodness – it’s tough to discount what the other travellers would’ve been put through on a flight they’d paid hard-earned money for.
Was it right for Jazz Air to kick him off? On the Internet, it seems, there is no definite answer.
“How can you get kicked off for smelling bad?” writes one CNN reader. “There are people who are actually distractions and threats to planes … He should have just been left alone and people should have dealt with the smell.”
Or …
“Amen!” counters another commenter. “If you can afford a plane ticket you can sure as hell afford a shower WITH SOAP and some laundry action … If you wanna defend the right to smell like a pig farm on flights because the ticket was paid for, think of the other 99.9% of passengers who also paid for it.”
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Marie | Feb 20, 2022 12:32:50 AM
The plane had every right to remove the person with the offensive odor. The other day a client walked in my store with the most offensive foul urine odor, she was a former school teacher. Her grammar was impeccable but she smelled so bad. When she left, my store stunk for over 1/2 hr, and I couldn't fathom how she could live with herself with her own body odor. I opened all the windows and doors and was sick thinking how terrible she smelled. At least with the fresh air, we could breathe a little.
So if she was on the plane with that bad body odor stuck to her clothes, everyone on the plane would be so sick and start to vomit esp. with no chance of getting fresh air.
There is absolutely no tactful way of telling someone that they smell. Just say it.
Posted by: Brent Tremblay | Feb 20, 2022 1:04:41 AM
I have had the dispeasure of working with a man who we nicknamed "Stinky". It was torture standing next to him for 8 hours a day and I was a welder so combined with the heat and no air movement it was intolerable. I complained to the managment and I almost got fired for infringing on his rights. So as far as kicking a man off of the plane goes, even though it distresses the other patrons I don't beleivew they have the legal right to do this. On a personal note this man was a guy but you couldn't convince him that he stunk. He truly beleived that he did no have BO. This is a hard one to answer and I don't think that anyone will be happy with the outcome no matter what.
Posted by: MMJ | Feb 20, 2022 2:42:58 AM
I think there should be a way to ask the person(or persons) that they need to wash up before boarding any commercial transportation that have others on board. I also agree that if this person refuses to clean and wash up that should be removed so that other people don't complain or do worse. So I see the airline in this instance had every right to remove this person for health and safety reasons. We must also remember that if we have bad odor at work we would most likely be asked to go home and clean up our foul odor. Some places of employment would even suspend you if too many co-workers complained about the smell in the work area. So the best thing to do is KEEP OURSELVES CLEAN AT ALL TIMES.
Posted by: TED | Feb 20, 2022 9:25:32 AM
A lot of the time its not the man but the clothes he is wearing that actually smell - I have had to deal with this in a work environment before. It was reallly bad when I had to dal with it with a female employee. The thing is, they should have something like a rubber raincoat and insist the man either wash, leave the plane, or wear this coat to cover his clothes and odour. And there is no "polite" way to deal with it - you just tell him\her that they need to change their clothes, and\or wash before returning to work, or boarding the plane. If they offered him a seat on the next plane IF he was to become properly groomed, I dont see where they did anything wrong.
Posted by: John | Feb 20, 2022 10:00:29 AM
Good for JAZZ.
Posted by: matt regier | Feb 20, 2022 10:19:28 AM
lol i think that is soo funny! =D i enjoy reading other peoples torment
Posted by: ron | Feb 20, 2022 10:43:47 AM
Theres just no excuse for laziness.I heard an excuse on here about,.."well,maybe its the clothes that stink,not the person",..are you kidding me?!They have this invention and I thought everyone had heard about it by now,......SOAP!They even have soap to wash clothes with these days,...what will they think of next?!....imagine that!
I had to sit on a bus beside one stinking pig before,...the whole ordeal was abruptly ended when he was ejected by passengers (including myself) at the next stop......I`d rather sit next to Kevin Smith,....
Posted by: Marissa | Feb 20, 2022 11:21:57 AM
I understand how the passengers would feel but we've got to remember that there are some metabolic disorders that cause an unusually strong body odour or a strange one. These disorders are fairly rare but you could possibly run into someone who has one. I'm not saying this guy did but it's possible.
Posted by: Elizabeth Courtney | Feb 20, 2022 12:04:07 PM
My husband and I recently encountered the same situation aboard an Air Canada airliner from Calgary to Toronto...the guy sittiing in front of us had the worst kind of body odour it was unbarable!!! It was so bad it made me urge constantly and i had to cover my face with my jacket for the entire flight and that was a long 3.5 hrs!!! Unfortunatly this flight was fully booked and we were unable to switch to another seat, so we had to suffer it out and suffer we did!!! If someone wouldn't be bothered to wash or keep their clothes clean thats their business but why should other people have to put up with it!!!..... I totally agree with Jazz airline kicking someone like that off there flight it should happen more often and with other airlines!!! A big thumbs up to JAZZ!!! The rest of the airlines should have the GUTS!!!
Posted by: al | Feb 20, 2022 12:52:12 PM
Enough about turning the other cheek when it comes to encroaching on public space. Take some inventory on your personal attire and toiletry. There's enough unavoidable odour and slop in the world without having to put up with lazy, selfish, inconsiderate "humans". While we're on the point, how about cleaning up after yourself at the cafeteria - heard there is a device called a garbage can - you slob.
Posted by: princesse2002003 | Feb 20, 2022 1:52:13 PM
Thank you Jazz for thinking of other passengers.
Posted by: El Enigma | Feb 20, 2022 2:35:03 PM
This reminds me of a story I heard many years ago told by a teacher. One day she got a new student from the Far East. All the students in the class instantly began to complain that "Johnny" stunk like fish. The teacher also noticed that Johnny's body odour was very fishy. As she had a parent teacher meeting slated for the next week, she made sure to invite Johnny's parents to it. The teacher was relieved to have Johnny's mother show up for the meeting. After having some small talk, the teacher was mustering her courage to talk to Johnny's mother about her son's body odour. She did not quite know how to broach the subject, but after an awkward moment it was Johnny's mother who said: "I have to talk about a delicate matter. It is about body odours. Johnny has come home since the first day of school here, complaining of headaches and nausea, because all his classmates reek of beef....and I do not know how to help Johnny."
Sooo, the moral of the story is that what for someone may be a pleasant perfume, others might perceive it as an offensive allergen or unpleasant scent....
Posted by: theresa | Feb 22, 2022 9:14:07 AM
Dress and smell like pizzazz or you ain't fly'in jazz!!!!! Maybe there is a biological problem but
most people even if they only showered once a week and wore clean clothes wouldn't smell.
Few showers a week never hurt anyone. lol
Posted by: CFD | Feb 22, 2022 9:56:56 AM
Several years ago I was on a flight sitting next to someone who actually had such a bad odor that the man across the isle was sick to his stomach. I had to spray perfume on a kleenex and keep it under my nose in order to stop gagging and ended up with a headache from the perfume, but at least it kept my stomach still! It was a horrid flight. With airlines offering less passenger space its time that someone took a stand on issues like this. Yes it it possible to had a medical condition that causes this but at least have a shower and wear clean clothes prior to your flight to lessen the effect on others.
Posted by: MrTravel | Feb 22, 2022 10:52:37 AM
Some cultures from South Asia have an apparent allergy to soap and water. Jazz did the right thing.
Posted by: MrTravel | Feb 22, 2022 10:55:11 AM
We need to understand the whole story as some South Asia cultures are apparently allergic to soap and water. Jazz had every right to remove the individual.
Posted by: Glenn | Feb 22, 2022 11:10:36 AM
airplane etiquet is very important, including putting your seat up for other to drink or eat and personal hygiene !
Posted by: Stinky too sometimes | Feb 22, 2022 11:11:40 AM
Right on .. if he can afford a flying vacation he can afford to shower and launder before he boards an airplane. We all have to deal with our sweat. Kick him off.
Posted by: Stinky too sometimes | Feb 22, 2022 11:13:10 AM
Mr. Travel is an obvious and obnoxious stinking racist .. do you burn crosses and have swastikas tatooed on your forehead too?
Posted by: Phil | Feb 22, 2022 12:18:38 PM
I had a 14 hr flight to Malysia 5 years ago and had to sit beside a person so smelly that I couldn't eat my meal. The man should have been removed. He was disgusting.