Job hunters look for help
The Board’s help wanted index, which measures the number of new jobs posted online, jumped in every province except PEI last month. It had dropped nearly 30 per cent over the past year as the number of new online job postings plunged during the recession.
That would be the good news.
What’s worse, it seems, many of "jobs" posted are actually from placement firms looking to capitalize on someone’s hard luck or at least pad their resume files. And these providers represent only one load-bearing wall in the job-search infrastructure.
Forget generalists like Dick Bolles. Now you can find a host of job search specialists, focusing on resume overhauls, interview prep or billing themselves as do-it-all career coaches. Fees range from just a few dollars for group seminars to $300-an-hour for personal coaching.
Sometimes though, you can get a deal. A couple of months ago, over 70 professional coaches volunteered their time by providing personal coaching in select Starbucks locations in Toronto. For $5, people were invited to sit down and have a 25-minute, one-on-one conversation with a coach.Tell us: What’s your experience with those offering to help with your job search?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Bob | Sep 30, 2021 11:37:21 AM
What a load of shit....
You try to get a job....
And if you do land one all they want to pay you is $10 - $15 dollars for a trades person that is highway robbery....
This is happen in what ever trade or business you are in...
Trust me the rich are only getting richer and the poor are only getting poorer .
How do you think the average person that has lost there job is really doing and how much are they in debt and how long have they been out of work....
Answer that question and you will be shocked.
And these so called coaches that you need to pay...
Come on you are joking... Will they hold my hand and get me a job,,,
You need to do it yourself.
Get of your ass and apply apply apply just like I have.....
Sorry but the truth hurts and when you write something like you have.
Then please make sure you have all the answers....
Yours truly.... Bob
Posted by: Kelly | Sep 30, 2021 12:10:08 PM
Hey Bob,
I was thinking the same thing. I sort of feel like if I applied to work as a MacDonald's server, I would have to have an executive style resume or I would not even be looked at. I had my resume redone and what a lot of crap. All they did was flower it up with pretty and big words....I liked my old resume, it explained what I have done and what experience and education I had. It told it as it was.
And cover letters, what a laugh. All I was taught was to look at the add and see what is required and tell them you have that. A waste of paper when my resume says the same things. As for full time employment.....there should be a law that says part time should only be offered if your full time employment is full up and only temporary employment is needed.
How do you get full time employment out of 2 part time jobs when one employer will not respect the second job and your shifts over lap....I guess I do sound frustrated.
Posted by: Bill | Sep 30, 2021 1:04:12 PM
I agree, the jobs worth taking are shrinking. The gab between the rich and poor has drastically increased in Canada as manufacturing shrinks and service and trades jobs offer poor pay. The days of democracy has weekend as the concentration of rich capitalize on the policies of this country.
It''s a joke watching job searchers claim they can give you the best of the best. There is only greed of the middle man out there these days. Governments need to air out their dirty laundry and get this country back on track with good pay for the majority of voters.
The rich have all hands in the pot right now.
Posted by: John | Sep 30, 2021 1:35:44 PM
What happened to the manpower shortage due to baby-boomers retiring? Where are all the jobs begging to be filled. Just the usual horse-crap. Even when one is willing to work '@50% their earning potential there is no work to be found. From my point of view, this is just another example of economic manipulation by the money hoarders and associates. You try survive by liquidating your savings, RRSP's and then you get sqeezed by the government with income taxes that you can't afford to pay. Plus ca change plus c'est paraille. You know what I mean. They take us for suckers!
Posted by: F G | Sep 30, 2021 2:00:44 PM
I agree with all that has been said. The newspapers, politicians are just playing games with the poor. You can't blame them. They have to grease their own pockets first, before they can look after the middle class. We have such a bunch of idiots up there, they are now even fighting amongs themselves. The Quebec lieutanant resigning. They don't know what they are doing. Our imigrant Chartered accountants from back home would do a better job than the Federal Finance Minister. He ballooned his deficit to more than twice the amount. I would really like to have a look at these guys resume if they have one and if they do it should be honest and genuine, because they have all been known to be bullshitters.
Posted by: Nalini Ganguly | Sep 30, 2021 3:37:49 PM
Its damm hard getting a job and the Gov does not have any concrete plans,whatever they are doing may help what seems like just a handful in comparison. I have been trying for over six months ,over 60 resumes sent ,no luck I have not given up,every day they paint a rosy picture of how the economy is improving oh yeah if that is so then why are qualified and experienced people finding it so hard to find decent placements just putting up ads claiming false achievements is not doing us any good that money can be put to better use. It is the employers market for sure but right now what is happening out there is pure exploitation.But have hope and hang in there,things will definitely change.
Posted by: Joe | Sep 30, 2021 4:02:28 PM
Been out of FT work for about 6 months now, 55 yr old, downsized and have applied to over 300 positions. I'm collecting EI and working PT for a major grocery chain...they pay $9.50 hr to start, max of 28 hr/week and deduct $35.00 a month in Union dues and their turnover rate is 58%...the future of employment in Canada????...retiring in 4 years thank you very much!
Posted by: workingclass | Sep 30, 2021 4:23:10 PM
In my opinion the bane of the working man/woman these days are all these temporary agencie's that have sprung up like weeds in the last few years. Employers have 0 incentive to hire a full time employee and offer them good pay/benefits when they can call any one of dozens of agencies and have a person desperate to pay their bills or rent do it for cheaper with no benefits or any kind of job security.
Company's out there ARE in need of people but with so many jobs being routed through these temporary agencies (just about EVERY position you don't require a degree for is being posted through a temporary agency lately) they have no reason to advertise the position themselves.
Something like the richest 1% of the population has more wealth the the bottom 95% combined.
Three cheers for the rich and three cheers for democracy!
I would say write your MP, but we all know what that will accomplish.
Posted by: Odette Dei | Sep 30, 2021 5:28:58 PM
Where do you post secretarial jobs, receptionist or clerical jobs in Ottawa? Can you help? I am English- speaking.
Posted by: Brian | Sep 30, 2021 7:06:54 PM
The large corporations are getting all these tax breaks, to lead their extravagant lifestyles but not using that for job creation. All its doing is putting more money into the corporates pocket. The only thing its going to create is people not to be able to afford there products or services which will in turn cut there pay cheques out or they will be looking for a job also. Lets face it if we don't have any extra money at the end of the day we sure won't be purchasing anything there selling. Really its only going to kick themselves in ther own _ _ _ and really where are they going to turn, no more bailouts for which this corrupted system we live in.
Posted by: Tim | Sep 30, 2021 7:21:06 PM
Seems that the responses here are from the people who are truly feeling what the greedy financial bastards created about one year ago now. Every time I here a bullshit story like the one above it only serves to make me more pissed off at the politicians and the business people that created this mess. As for you guys in the media, you are all full of shit! You create spin by whomever / whatever business corp. that owns you. There is no such thing as the "Free Press" anymore. Just political spin to try and direct the masses. Beware this has been done many times throughout history and it never lasts! The 'great unwashed' will once again rise up and over power the greed. If you would really like to write a story with some credability- write one and ask the questions why no-one of any significance has ever been held accountable for perhaps the biggest financial fraud in history when the arse went out of the economy last year. Ask why Harper can spend our tax dollars promoting his party's bullshit telling us about a bullshit plan and not one of you so called newspeople call him out on it. Do we not have a sense of what is right and wrong any longer? Is there no line that it is not okay to cross any more? Really does not bode well for the future of our so called great nation when our leader has no ethics at all. Do a story on that! Call him out for that bullshit!
Posted by: Norris gillen | Sep 30, 2021 9:20:28 PM
Ahhhh.I'm glad I'm not alone!!! The rich do get richer and the rest of us are left holding the bag..You know we can't even compete with the mexicans because here we have a minimum wage that is greater per hour than they make in a day...we are screwed...Welcome to free enterprize..
Posted by: Joe T | Sep 30, 2021 10:39:13 PM
I am so sick of hearing "recovery is already underway" and all this other media propaganda that you see in today's news. The mainstream media are all just a bunch of morons trying to brainwash the masses. I also find it so hilarious when they use the term a jobless recovery. JOBS ARE THE ECONOMY YOU MORONS IT DOESN'T TAKE A GENIUS TO FIGURE THAT OUT. Since most economists are using this term, I think they should all be fired and give me their jobs since all of them know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT ECONOMICS. Also, did you know the Unemployment number that the government releases every month does NOT include people who are so discouraged they've given up looking for a job OR people who simply cannot find full-time work and have settled for a part-time minimum wage job (ie. an engineer getting laid off and flipping burgers at McDonalds). How can you not include these people? THEY ARE UNEMPLOYED! Its all BS and anyone reading my comments, my advice to you is DO NOT believe anything the mainstream media publishes. Do your own research and then you will really know how bad it is.
Posted by: Brian | Sep 30, 2021 11:43:17 PM
Where did all the money go ?
Posted by: Lisa | Oct 1, 2021 12:18:42 PM
Where did all the money go??? Well, our government, (the liberals) AND our society decided to spend and spend and spend and NOT pay back. NOW our society is paying for it...which MUST happen. You simply CANNOT do that! NOONE does something for nothing...unless it's your family...and that doesn't even work for most people anymore because families are ALSO sick of getting taken advantage of.
another person decided to "rag out" Harper! What is the government supposed to do??? They are people just like us. They are given so much money to work with, and that's it!!
We don't need anyone in a f--ing government "stimulating" the economy. Is anyone using their brains here?? We need jobs that "recycle" themselves and therefore the employees are hired because they are NEEDED.
We need REAL work, with people who are HONESTLY willing to put a hard days work into a job...and it's NOT the government's fault...BUT NOONE seems to be able to blame themselves (and their families) for how stupidly they were raised. Does anyone have "commonsense" anymore???
Posted by: John D | Oct 1, 2021 2:24:25 PM
They're trying to create the illusion of a recovery so that you and I start shopping and get into more debt; since the economy is based on consumerism and debt, they need to create a false sense of security, so that people start borrowing and shopping again.
Posted by: Dane D | Oct 2, 2021 7:39:49 PM
I have been out of work for five months, and yes the wages have dropped. What can you do? If I was in business I would do the same, find the lowest someone will work for? We are all to blame. It makes me laugh when I see these bumper stickers "OUT OF WORK YET? KEEP BUYING FOREIGN" hence the car that this is stuck on is in a walmart parking lot, buying everything that is MADE IN CHINA.
I would rather pay for something that is made in North America even it cost double. That creates employment.
People need to start really thinking about our CANADA, not everywhere else. Then we can have work again.
Posted by: Daniel | Oct 3, 2021 10:35:37 PM
All this propaganda that we are out of recession and that in a "jobless recovery" is making things worse. Stock sellers, people from JP Morga, Stanard & Poor, and similar stock market crooks, spread positive stories about the economy even when job numbers are bad. If they expect 100,000 to stay without job, and only 80,000 lose jobs, these crooks go in the media and claim that this is a positive news because less people lost jobs than they anticipated. Since when is job loss a good news? This is ridiculous. These crooks are creating false stories and a false sense of security so they could SELL YOU MORE OF THEIR STOCKS.
I am employed FULL TIME and I am paid only $12.55 for a job that should be paid minimum $16.50.
I am sick of this economy and this damn capitalism where rich are getting richer and poor are getting screwed over and over again.
Posted by: James Mendez | Oct 6, 2021 1:28:54 PM
I lost my real job in 2003 as an Analyst. Since then I had taken on contract positions with no benefits and no vacation or sick leave. Worked 4 year stretch without a holiday. Now past 55, I am lucky to get a job at Home Depot as a Sales Associate for a minimum wage of $9.50ph. What is worst now is that for what you are expected to perform a mock role play and based on your skill in this will you qualify forthe next step in the interview process. And at Walmart, I was tested on this role play scenerio. A mock situation when a customer come raving at you for not knowing that the product she was looking for is no longer on the shelf. How would you react to this. Even if you applied for a night clerk position or a greeter person. What has become of these large corporations that demand so much and give so little. Seems like you have to be a University Degree holder to qualify for any of these low paying positions. Employers are now looking for grads fresh out of school, spunk in their theorical ideas, no experience, willing to accept low wages and a promise for future benefits. A semi retired (over 50), well, sayonara...will pay you squat because your ideas are old, and the pensions (well forget that). Does anyone care about the baby boomers know the ones that brought out thriving economic boom in the 1970's and onto the 1990's. Soon the minimum standards will no longer be high school but a basic degree or college diploma. Can you image, Nurses today regire degrees to specialize, case workers needed degrees to get a job in the market play. I can go on and on but what's the point!!!!
Posted by: James Mendez | Oct 6, 2021 1:38:22 PM
THe trouble with head hunters is that they have become more agressive, sloppy in their work and unreliable.
I say this because they are commissioned based and therefore will sell your soul for the sake of making the bottom line. I must have over a hundred headhunters working for me from 2003 to present. Not one of them got me a job. I got the jobs myself. They put through to interviews but they do not prescreen what the employers want and need before getting to the interview. And then only to find out that its a totally different position and or environment you are getting into. After all that trouble and you are out the door feeling worst off before you went in.