Why is striking on the rise during a recession?
By Jason Buckland, Sympatico / MSN Finance
The recession, for better or worse, seems to have formed two philosophies amongst the working world.
The most common belief is what you might expect – that is, the stakes of the world economy have forced most Canadians, by consequence, into a newfound appreciation for jobs they may have once taken for granted.
Yet the second attitude toward the downturn is perhaps still taking shape before us. And if you’ve wandered the streets of Toronto lately, you can quite literally smell it.
It appears – or at least the numbers suggest – the new mindset toward the recession is a growing feeling of resentment.
According to Stats Canada, the number of work days lost to strikes in the first three months of 2009 was almost double that of a year earlier, just before the stinking economy hit north of the border and our national unemployment rate spiked. (*Keep in mind: the data, while impressive, neglects to include major city strikes currently underway in Toronto and Windsor, Ont., as well as the ongoing halt to regular paramedic work in British Columbia.)
But, here’s a question: what’s the deal with all of this? Doesn’t philosophy number one suggest now, more than ever, we should be breaking our backs to make ends meet?
Well, apparently not, says the Canadian Press. Labour experts told CP the reason for all the striking comes down to anger workers feel for “being asked to bear what they see as the brunt of the recession.”
Indeed, the number of workers willing to strike during a parched economy is odd, and – while fighting for fair wages and well-earned benefits is certainly commendable – seems to be another indication this downturn is unlike any other.
Alan Hall, the University of Windsor’s director of labour studies, tells CP the high level of striking has perhaps come about from workers resenting their employers’ asking for major concessions while continuing to enjoy raises, benefits and often bonuses themselves.
“I think part of the reason the workers are willing to stay out in these kinds of conditions is they see the causes of the current recession and crisis as being clearly not of their making,” he says. “There’s a certain level of anger that’s out there that can be mobilized.”
So which is the case here? Is the striking trend (which, when you consider the circumstances, why would it cease?) an instance of employers taking advantage of workers at a lousy time to be one, or are employees simply picking the wrong time to put up the fair fight? Or, more likely, is a bit of both?
Posted by: Trepidum | Jul 16, 2021 9:08:17 AM
That's basic human nature for you-to get away with as much as you possibly can, until someone (or something like the economy) stops you.
Every secure worker is looking to pad their nest before the economy gets nastier and meeting their demands bceomes impossible. It is a combination of greed and insecurity. It's easy to lay the blame on someone else, like your employer or employee, for why you need more money for yourself.
Posted by: robert | Jul 16, 2021 9:39:06 AM
Because they can! The greedy buggers don't care about anyone else.
In the case of the Toronto garbage workers, they want to grab what they can even when the tax payers who employ them get laid off and have to scroung just to pay their bills each day.
We need to leave the greedy buggers on strike until winter and then offer them less than the current offer.
Posted by: Bob gosse | Jul 16, 2021 9:42:45 AM
I don't blame them while politicians continue to get raises and perks while everyone else is asked to take a cut in pay or hold the line, [ providing they still have a job ]. All they know is how to spend money. They do not know how not to spend.
Posted by: Ross | Jul 16, 2021 9:58:19 AM
Not surprising in the least that there are more strikes in an economic downturn.
It's abundantly clear to most working folks that their job security isn't something that's up to them. That is, it doesn't matter how hard you work, how good you are at your job, how devoted you are to your organization or any such thing. You can be let go in a heartbeat based on the mildest flutter of a balance sheet or the whim of some isolated executive (who's undoubtedly earning six figures or more) based on nothing more than a "feeling that things might get tight."
Devotion and loyalty to one's company used to matter, but that contract was broken during the layoff-happy times of years past when thousands of people were let go so the company could get a minor blip in stock price. Loyalty used to be a two-way street. No longer. Employees are now simply taking a page out of their executive's book: Take as much as you can, as quickly as you can. And the execs have no one to blame but themselves.
Posted by: Scooter | Jul 16, 2021 10:02:54 AM
Depends why they're striking I suppose...to keep their multitude of sick days (wtf) or to protest greedy and seemingly untouchable execs. If its the latter, I'm with them 110%...although I fear striking wont be the cure for this fundamental flaw of capitalist society. Raising awareness is also a waste considering the fact that this is so widely known that its been accepted as a law of the universe. Great, now I'm depressed....
Posted by: Alex | Jul 16, 2021 10:08:49 AM
There is certainly a lot of resentment out there. You got that right!
Working calss tax money is being used for any-thing other then its intended purpose, making working class people life's better.
Billions are going towards pensions and bonuses for those who are supposed to be laid off for years now (GM, Chrysler, etc).
Managers get millions in bonuses while the economy suffers and profits are negligible. Why some-one deserves millions in bonuses while others get laid off and salary increases are frozen.
Then we are getting tax increase, smartly called HST. This is probably the best time to lay more taxes to slow the economy even further. But what other option is there for the provincial government when they hired 30% additional staff in the last few years. Some one has to pay for their high salaries, bonuses and all the perks...
The garbage strike is another demonstration of what corrupted governments and unions are capable of. They are actually not happy they won't be able to accumulate their 18 sick days a year and use them as bonus money. Who the hell in private sector gets 18 sick days a year period. Are you planning to be sick a month every year? That's absurd. Why the city does not bring independant company to deal with the garbage and let strike forever. The answer is they are all in the same boat, both the city and the union.
I am coming from a socialist regime (long time ago). All I can say, if this is a capitalism we are seeing here today we are sure heading into even a bigger mess. Why no one sees that the current system is not working. It's time for a change.
Posted by: Al | Jul 16, 2021 10:12:12 AM
If the current Global economic Recession "Global Economic Act of Terrorism" both political and Corporate greedy can receive wage and perks increases many time above the inflation level, why can't we the working fight to to get a portion of the wealth of the country which is very unfairly being distributed.
It appears the current Global Recession is only affecting the working class and the poor, but for the rotten elite there is no such thing.
Fight on.
Posted by: daytimedolphin | Jul 16, 2021 10:42:40 AM
I agree with the other posters. Why does a garbage man earn just as much as a firefighter or a policemen. Which are honerable profession. Those two put there lives on the line everyday what does a garbage man do ?. Work maybe 4 hours and the rest of it is what F the dog. My husband is fighting so he can get a decent pay raise.Which will never happen because the company management want all the bonuses and all the perks. So they can go on the vacation. My husband company pay into the pension. After 25 years with the company you will be on your own.The company doesn't pay into anymore. Not like the car companies,or government.
Posted by: John White | Jul 16, 2021 10:52:26 AM
Posted by: Lall | Jul 16, 2021 10:56:51 AM
There Should be No Unions. In my view, they are like Gangsters. These are Tough times. its hard to get a $10 an hour job never mind $25 to $40 and Hour Job. You should be happy that you have a job. And do a good Job. Should Have an i Care Attitude. not like i dontk Care. attitude.
Posted by: DGR | Jul 16, 2021 11:08:37 AM
Unions in the past may have been a good idea but today they support unrealistic goals. The garbage strike in Toronto is a prime example! I would fir all of them and hire unemployed that want to work.
Posted by: Sudbury | Jul 16, 2021 11:13:03 AM
I live in Sudbury, ontario and at the moment Vale INCO workers are on strike. the Vale wants to take away so much from the workers. I remember a person telling me when VALE people from Brazil came to see the plant. that person said "why are there so many cars in the parking lot there?" the guide told them that its the workers parking. the person then said" they Can Afford to buy their own cars?"
That right there tells you what Vale is trying to do. they are just plan Cheap. Kind Tells you how there Brazillian workers get paid for the kind of work they do.
Also when Employers give them selves Big bonus/Pay increase, and then tell there workers oh the Budget is low this year we can't afford to give you guys want you had before. when its the workers that should be getting paid 1st then what is left over can go to the CEO's
CEO's are the most Greedy people in the world. Sure they help the company but they don't do half the work the workers do yet the workers get paid 1/3 or less of the CEO's
Posted by: malarkey | Jul 16, 2021 11:43:16 AM
if CEOs can retain their multi-million dollars wages and multi-million dollar bonuses AND multi-million dollar severence packages.....then the average joe should be able to fight for what little he already has.
if the gov't can justify their self-appointed wage increases, then the people who ACTUALLY work for their money should not be expected to bankroll other people's raises by giving up what is already theirs.
the plundering that is going on now is just so gawdamn rampant and blatant that one cannot help but see it for the crime that it is.
unless, of course, you are part of it.
Posted by: John | Jul 16, 2021 11:52:49 AM
I too work and live in Sudbury and what Vale wants from the workers as far as concessions is:
For 'NEW' workers to contribute partially to their own pension - Something that I and most everyone else in the private sector do on our own, and most, like me "ENTIRELY' on my own
Align the nickel bonus more towards the general price of nickel today as opposed to 1974
Keep workers from 'constantly' transferring from jon to job and continually training, a practice that costs companies millions of dollars.
As far as I am concerned, unions had their place back in the day when there were no labour laws and workers needed protection. Now, the idiots like Fera and Fraser only protect the weak in a situation where the best person for the job does not get promoted, the one who is most senior does. Although mining is definately hard work - I have many friends who are miners, union protected jobs like garbage men and autoworkers blow my mind. Most of these workers have no education and there are thousands of people that would take their jobs for lesser pay.
What kind of a society do we live in where you get to vote on whether or not you are going to work, and what the employer is going to pay you???? If you don't like the job, and think the employer is not giving you enough money/benefits/bonuses.transfer rights/paid sick days, then QUIT and find another job!!! That's right, most of the unionized workers probably have no skills or education and would most likely only qualify to serve me breakfast in the morning. UNIONS KILL THE ECONOMY and PROTECT THE LAZY.
Posted by: Pete Held | Jul 16, 2021 12:15:30 PM
Who ever commented that being respected for loyalty to companies is a thing of the past.... what?.... Unions started because companyies have NEVER respected their employees. They probably do so now with the advent of Health and Safety regulations as well as employment standards. You've flipped the clock backwards.
People going on strike in general is pat of the problem that caused this recession. Garbage is an essential service, so I don't understand why these guys aren't in jail.
I used to be careful with glass, and how I packed garbage ... that it wasn't too heavy. If I had a whole lot of bads I'd spread them out over a few weeks etc etc. I will not lift a finger to help these jacks in the future, and I'll have to restrain myself not to spit in their direction.
Posted by: J. Langley | Jul 16, 2021 12:28:32 PM
What I would like to know regarding the Metro Toronto CUPE strike is:
How many CUPE employees live outside the Metro Toronto area. They do not pay our housing taxes, new car license tax nor any new taxes that the Mayor will dream up for the citizens of Toronto. The tax payers of Toronto are paying these people who inconvenience us. This does not make sense to me, work in Metro live in Metro.
Posted by: Disgusted | Jul 16, 2021 12:37:52 PM
Many of these corporate executives are the human parasites of the world. They must be sorted out and quickly.
Posted by: Aottawa | Jul 16, 2021 12:42:25 PM
I have read a lot of articles on this and other strikes recently and am shocked by the level of hate going out against all unions. Everybody says that unions are no longer necessary, we have laws to protect employment and such, but who would stop the government (who IS the employer in this case) from simply changing those laws to save a buck? I think that people are trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater to some extent here and maybe need to take a look at the bigger picture. I agree that some union demands are excessive (does anybody remember OC Transpo drivers protesting a potential limit to the number of hours a day they were allowed to work?) I think that a lot of this is hype that is encouraged by the employer to sway public sentiment. People need to look at how the employer refuses to negotiate, demands concessions without compensation, and generally does it's best to make the unions look like the bad guys (Canada Post - prime example). The gov't cannot get it's act together and is again expecting the workers to bear the brunt. I have not heard of any politician offering to cut THEIR benefits or wages due to the economic crisis.
Posted by: fidel | Jul 16, 2021 12:52:18 PM
In Canada we have two groups of working people.
1. Union workers( goverment jobs and big companies workers)good salaries and benefits
2. Private workers(medium and small bussines) low salaries and usually no benefits
People from the second group work hard and they are happy when they have a lot of work because the money will provide for you and your family benefits and everything else, on the contrary union people takes this for granted(job security,etc) this is a nonsense and every year we have the same problem, somebody should stop the number 1 group of especial Canadians because I dont want to pay higher taxes for them and this concern every one (group nr 1) including the goverment, they are all the same.
Posted by: carrie | Jul 16, 2021 12:57:21 PM
Unless they are striking for job security...what a bunch of idiots!