Why is striking on the rise during a recession?
By Jason Buckland, Sympatico / MSN Finance
The recession, for better or worse, seems to have formed two philosophies amongst the working world.
The most common belief is what you might expect – that is, the stakes of the world economy have forced most Canadians, by consequence, into a newfound appreciation for jobs they may have once taken for granted.
Yet the second attitude toward the downturn is perhaps still taking shape before us. And if you’ve wandered the streets of Toronto lately, you can quite literally smell it.
It appears – or at least the numbers suggest – the new mindset toward the recession is a growing feeling of resentment.
According to Stats Canada, the number of work days lost to strikes in the first three months of 2009 was almost double that of a year earlier, just before the stinking economy hit north of the border and our national unemployment rate spiked. (*Keep in mind: the data, while impressive, neglects to include major city strikes currently underway in Toronto and Windsor, Ont., as well as the ongoing halt to regular paramedic work in British Columbia.)
But, here’s a question: what’s the deal with all of this? Doesn’t philosophy number one suggest now, more than ever, we should be breaking our backs to make ends meet?
Well, apparently not, says the Canadian Press. Labour experts told CP the reason for all the striking comes down to anger workers feel for “being asked to bear what they see as the brunt of the recession.”
Indeed, the number of workers willing to strike during a parched economy is odd, and – while fighting for fair wages and well-earned benefits is certainly commendable – seems to be another indication this downturn is unlike any other.
Alan Hall, the University of Windsor’s director of labour studies, tells CP the high level of striking has perhaps come about from workers resenting their employers’ asking for major concessions while continuing to enjoy raises, benefits and often bonuses themselves.
“I think part of the reason the workers are willing to stay out in these kinds of conditions is they see the causes of the current recession and crisis as being clearly not of their making,” he says. “There’s a certain level of anger that’s out there that can be mobilized.”
So which is the case here? Is the striking trend (which, when you consider the circumstances, why would it cease?) an instance of employers taking advantage of workers at a lousy time to be one, or are employees simply picking the wrong time to put up the fair fight? Or, more likely, is a bit of both?
Posted by: anonymous in canada | Jul 16, 2021 1:38:21 PM
Corporate greed is the bottom line. One company that I am involved with laid of 1900 workers, so that the CEO could maintain his $16.5M yearly compensation, lovely.
Posted by: open yer eyes | Jul 16, 2021 2:10:34 PM
just another example of our gov't procuring their wage hikes from the concessions they are demanding from labourers.
followed by the misinformed and misguided reaction of a public that has been duped by media.
city hall is behind the piles of garbage.
Posted by: Rob | Jul 16, 2021 2:15:16 PM
I work in the private sector. I am well educated. I do not get big bonuses, big expense accounts, or a big severance package. I get 7 sick days a year which if I do not use, then I go to work healthy. I do not see them as extra vacation days (if I do not use them). They are there in case I am sick. Anybody who gets 18 sick days a year and uses them all, is either terminally ill (which is sad) or is using these days as if they are theirs to consume as vacation days... which is even sadder! The fact that they want... no expect... to carry them over is absurd. If they were successful at negotiating that in the past, then shame on the city for agreeing and the city is responsible to honour their agreement for the term of the agreement. Nowhere does it say this is a permanent thing. Every contract is different.
These city employees are making themselves look like greedy bastards. If they want public support, GO BACK TO WORK!!!
Posted by: jeremy | Jul 16, 2021 2:36:00 PM
the real complaint every one has about unions is that they're not in them. I my self am a tool and die maker for a private company no union, first thing they did when time got tough was axe every worker that had been there for a while because we happened to be making the most and that why union are still nessary to stop companies from doing crap like that it would be one thing to base it on job performance but they don't. just base it on who makes the most money. so they can keep their nice fat pay check. currently at that plant not one person has been working there more 4 years when there were people with up to twenty years in.
Posted by: antieveryting | Jul 16, 2021 3:33:06 PM
If I hear the comment of the brazilian workers/president of Vale Inco coming to Sudbury and see the all trucks on the site and making the comments that "wow you guys make too much...we here in Brazil live in tents..." and all the other propaganda that has been tossed around. Yah you guys make to much stop crying and go to work and be thankful that you have a job and can finance a truck, house, boat, cottage, ATV and everything else your leveraged for. If you don't like that then use your education to get another job.
Posted by: R. | Jul 16, 2021 3:40:36 PM
I hate when I here COE's/Presidents paying themselves 1st then tell there workers "opps we are running low on funds, we need to cut some things back"
Posted by: B | Jul 16, 2021 3:44:59 PM
Blame Former President BUSH!!!!
Posted by: Jay | Jul 16, 2021 5:14:48 PM
the last I remembered this is a democracy , the workers have a right to strile.
That being said , must be reasonable demands in the current economic context .
We got to remember that workers need a decent wage to provide for their families , purchase a house , automobile etc . If all workers are on minimum wage , we would be a third world country .
Corporate greed must be bought in check . Remember that shareholders of Nortel etc literally lost all their life savings . Cut out excessive bonuses , promote a buy canadian policy , stop outsourcing jobs overseas and it will be better for all Canadians
This can get us out of the recession sooner than later
Posted by: Bill | Jul 16, 2021 5:51:53 PM
All Unions are not the same. The CAW for instance has given to keep their jobs by helping the Company be viable. CUPE is another Beast altogether. And the idiot in charge in Toronto is a complete ******* in my opinion. To come out and say that their union isn't going to listen to the "BS" about the recession, since it's just a bargaining tool? The only TOOL in the mix is him!
I've dealt with this union before; in the CAF in Dartmouth. They go on strike and keep people in uniform waiting and waiting for them to decide to let us enter. This is an air base, and I was a Radar Tech. Radar goes down and I or others are not there to fix it. What happens when a plane or chopper needs to land? These ppl don't care! They think they run the country IMHO! Sad part is they probably do thanks to spinless polititions who haven't forced them back to work yet.
Posted by: Bill | Jul 16, 2021 6:03:14 PM
Please excuse my spelling of politicans, this sham just has me a bit wound up. Hopefully these idiots are now allowing the spraying of garbage to minimize health concerns instead of blocking it as they were. They're too stupid to realize the hazard to themselves when they have to pick it up when the strike is put to an end.
Posted by: Russell | Jul 16, 2021 6:20:34 PM
In a ressesion, when alot of the private sector is out of work and relying on the social safety net, the public sector workers that are still going to work and paying taxes every month are proping private sector employee's up....we should ask for more money for two reasons. #1 the private sector saw a unpressidented wage pace with the cost of living and the public sector for the most part did not for the last 10 years. We are just asking for our due, yes even now. #2 the more we make the more taxes we pay, which helps out you private sector people on E.I.
You private sector workers should be behind us because it helps you out now. The economy will improve and you will all go back to work making 25-45% more then the public sector again and the world will be alright.
P.S. Though the Auto workers are union, they are not public sector employees, well I guess they are now sort of, but don't confuse the media hype behind their (huge) wages with what you local municipal or education CUPE workers make.....it is a totally different pay scale.
Also if you want to call public workers greedy for asking for more wages, maybe you should scrutinize the increases most government officials gave themselves and their caucus. When times are tough it would be nice to see our leaders take a pay cut.....and if that happened I bet these union workers would not strike, because then all is equal. If the government is going to pay themselves more to go and bicker and carry on like a bunch of children in the house of commons or any legislature in this country, that is sad. However the union guys are asking for more to actually go to work...and clean up your trash, clean your streets, take care of your parks and keep them safe from hypo needles so your kids don't come into contact with disease. These same people spand their money in your community, not in Florida or Hawii drinking and driving. The point is the public sector is a good thing...If they are out of work now while the private sector is, WHO IS PAYING THE TAXES THEN????
Posted by: Linda | Jul 16, 2021 8:22:05 PM
I don't know why people, strike in a recession, maybe for job security. but right now there isn't much in the way of job security. There aren't too many jobs out there and people that have jobs should be damn lucky they have one. This is not the time to grip, cause they may grip themselves out of work and then where will they be. There's a time and place for everything. Ask anyone who lost their job!!!!
Posted by: No Name | Jul 16, 2021 11:36:20 PM
I think it's ridiculous that all these people are going on strike. You know what I have known people out of work for over a year and can't find a stable job ( and yes they are activley looking) Be grateful to the fact that you have a job and learn to leave withiin your means. Everybody alwalys wants more. Well you know what learn to live on what you make because there are people who live on less and make it work every single day. Stop complaining get your butts back to work and be grateful that you have a job to go to!
Posted by: Witty | Jul 16, 2021 11:49:31 PM
So, in the beginning someone said, "lets hire a person to look after the concerns and welfare of our town" So the townfolk got together and voted in a Mayor. The Mayor worked hard for the township,,,,after all THEY were HIS bosses!! But pretty soon the Mayor complained about not getting enough money to do his job, so he slapped his EMPLOYERS with more taxes, everything from been born, to dying, and everything else in between. Pretty soon, all the townfolk got so confused with the goings on, that they forgot who worked for who. If this smells like garbage to you, then you must be one of the millions fed up with the very poor job the man YOU HIRED is doing!
Posted by: bcresident | Jul 17, 2021 1:03:06 AM
I believe that unions are good. Workers deserve good wages and benefits and to be treated equally. There are still companies that do not pay there employees well, favour some employees over others, and try to get around employment standards and human rights laws. There are companies that prctice nepotism quite heavily even hiring family members, relatives, etc. who in many cases are too lazy to look for a job with somebody else and work hard. In many such cases the front doors had to work twice as hard as the back doorsl I have taken job hunting counselling in which I was told that there is one very crucial thing to do in looking for a job. That is to research the company first. This means try to find out if the company is a decent employer as well as what it does. However, I do not like it when there are too many strikes when there are high levels of unemployment. I remember the early to mid 80's when there were a lot of strikes in B.C. This drove people and business from the province and hence jobs.
Posted by: Chris | Jul 17, 2021 2:55:02 AM
I say follow Regan's lead and give them one chance and then fire the lot of em.. Were talking essential services and today a man died because of it in an apartment lobby three blocks from the hospitals... This is B.S. they all have great paying jobs.. and as tax payers were sick of paying extra for a good paying job already.. get back to work now.. Better yet just fire them all now. Lets get some sensible people in there who would like some good paying jobs.. your benefits don't exist in the real world.. only in government and other union jobs... and by the way the unions won't be around a whole lot longer... city's go bankrupt unions out and problems solved.. oh yeah and with bankruptcy you don't have a job no more...hahahhahha... i hope you go personally bankrupt.. cause your creating a situation where others are on the brink.. because they cant' get paid because your office is closed and business transactions can't be finallized... oh \i'm sorry this is only about you and to frick with the rest of us...... I think we need some drive bys. on your asses.
Posted by: Affacturage | Jul 17, 2021 3:23:17 AM
America is a Free Enterprise economy. I learned this in grade school economics class, but it appears it is no longer taught and our political leaders really don't want to recall what makes this nation so great; supply and demand
Posted by: Dan | Jul 17, 2021 8:38:53 AM
Rob, you got it right. To all of you' comparing Sudbury to Brazil. This is the result of globalization which in the end will be equalization. This means at some point the standard of living world wide will be equal, and much lower than we in North America are accustomed to. Thank or blame human rights groups or who ever you wish. But get it right--we are stuck with it now.
Posted by: R. | Jul 17, 2021 8:41:04 AM
I don't live in Toronto, but I can tell you this though, I am sure the City is wishing they can Fire all of them and get some new blood in the mix, the thing is that they would probably have to offer a really nice Early retierment program or a buy out program of some sort.
it a crappy way of getting rid of people but it does work.
Posted by: Sudbury | Jul 17, 2021 8:50:19 AM
Dan, tell me why should a company like VALE make Billions maybe Trillions of Dollars and not pay their workers who made that money for them get a decent wage? when the CEO's are making Millions.
Corperate greed is a major part of all of this, everyone wants to pay their workers as little as possible so they can get a bigger pay check in the end.
Why can't the CEO's take a pay cut first, But no CEO's are a custom to buying there multi-Million dollar homes, cars etc...
I remember a friend of mine saying a few years back that he got a job with INCO and that it was like winning a lottery ticket. I bet he doesn't feel that way now, which is unfortunate.