Who will you pick in Coffee War 2009?
By Jason Buckland, Sympatico / MSN Finance
Back in April, we wondered if a McDonald’s free coffee campaign could do anything to put a dent in the iPod-esque java market share held by Tim Hortons and Starbucks.
Based on reader comments, the response was an overwhelming ‘No,’ but maybe this thing isn’t over just yet.
According to numerous sources, the battle for coffee sales is still brewing across North America as McDonald’s continues its push and Starbucks retools its image.
Mainstreet.com even contends that no marketing tool has given McDonald’s the edge over its rivals better than the recession has.
With penny-pinching decidedly in style, Mickey D’s has been able to slice a chunk off Starbucks’ Gourmet Coffee Crowd by offering their new McCafe drinks for a fraction of the price.
Adding to the misery for Starbucks is the new McDonald’s ad campaign, which takes a swipe at the Seattle-based chain’s high prices. The dig is pretty reminiscent of the anti-Apple commercials (the ones where they give people cash if they can find a laptop for under $1,000) out now, don’t you think?
Starbucks, meanwhile, doesn’t appear to know which direction it’s headed. Razzed by big losses when the economy tanked, the coffee giant is re-doing some of its U.S. stores in a bid to shed the corporate image and make them more local.
Adage.com reports the first new location will open this week in Seattle with the moniker, “Fifteenth Avenue Coffee and Tea, Inspired by Starbucks.” Aside from its usual fare, customers will be able to find beer, wine and live entertainment at the refurbished spots.
However the move shapes up, you have to think all this competition will be good for coffee prices in the long-term. Mainstreet suggests a coffee war means only peace for consumers, and we tend to agree.
Does anyone who’s actually tried McDonald’s coffee/McCafes think it’s got a legitimate shot of scamming some of Starbucks’ market share, or is this just a fruitless ploy by the seeker of ultimate fast food monopoly?
Or is it just better to bring a can of whipped cream into Tim Hortons, pretend you’re sipping a latte and call it a day?
Posted by: Jason | Jul 21, 2021 10:38:06 AM
I've tried McD's coffee, and it's actually pretty good. A lot better than that dishwater called Tim Horton's. I really like Starbuck's coffee, but if i can't find one, and there's a McD's nearby, i'll head there before I go to any of the 1000s of Tim's stores in my neighborhood.
Posted by: chad | Jul 21, 2021 10:43:56 AM
When it comes down to coffee chains ,it's easy -- if you want a coffe with flavor, then Starbucks. If not, then anywhere is okay.
Posted by: J. Wayne Tannahill | Jul 21, 2021 10:54:19 AM
I started trying McD's coffee back in the spring, at one of local malls. I found it better than Tim's and since my wife and I are both seniors, we get a discount and free refills. I have cut my consumtion of Tims by more than 60%.
Posted by: Dave | Jul 21, 2021 11:00:21 AM
I find Mc'Donalds coffee alot better in taste than Tim's, and a whole lot better than starbucks!
Posted by: Matthew Russell | Jul 21, 2021 11:01:53 AM
wow i was suprised to see other people that agree with me. My boss and i grab McDonald's coffee all the time on the road and much prefer it as well
Posted by: Al | Jul 21, 2021 11:05:59 AM
I have tried McDonalds coffee and it really is very good. I just wish they didn't use those God-awful lids. You know the ones - the high-topped ones that are impossible to drink from without dribbling coffee on yourself. Starbucks uses them , too.
I tried to register a complaint on the McDonalds' web site, but there is no provision for customer input of this sort. I did give my comments to an employee at my local outlet and she assured me that I am not alone.
I will continue buying my coffee at Tim Horton's, thank you very much. It's just as good as McDonalds and I don't burn myself with the lid. Mind you, if you really want the good stuff you have to try Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. Makes Starbucks taste like water. Not widely available outside of Vermont, though.
Posted by: Mike | Jul 21, 2021 11:08:33 AM
Ive personally never had a McD's coffee since the change, but Ive heard from numerous friends its as good as timmies and maybe better... so far as starbucks goes well that crap tastes like tar. even a big shot of irish cream barely makes it suitable for human consumption. I havent tried the McD's YET... but the next time Im annoyed by the line up at my local timmies drive thru I will drive down the block in a heartbeat
Posted by: Renata | Jul 21, 2021 11:14:14 AM
I would never buy anything from McDonalds due to their terrible negative impact on the environment...and Tim Horton's? Please! That coffee is AWFUL! In Vancouver and Victoria we have Caffe Artigiano, and it is head and shoulders above the others...
Posted by: JRG | Jul 21, 2021 11:44:37 AM
Given a choice, I think most of us would choose coffee shops that offered locally roasted and/or fair trade organic coffees, but a lot of us don't have the luxury to have these places located near our places of work, so we're forced to go to to the chains. Comparing local cafes to chains is comparing apples and oranges, anyway, and I don't think this article is asking us to. If I must go to a chain, filling my travel mug is actually 2 cents cheaper at McD's than at Tim's, and the coffee does taste better. It always has, in my opinion. Starbucks can't compete with either cost or taste. So I can use my extra 2 cents to weigh in on the debate here.
Posted by: Jon | Jul 21, 2021 11:52:23 AM
I've tried McD's coffee and found it to be quite good. there isn't enough McD's to make it very often, but it is suitable substitute for Tim's. However if I want a GOOD cup I go to Second Cup, NOT Starbucks, thier coffee is far too strong!!
Posted by: Richard | Jul 21, 2021 12:01:40 PM
My wife and I are frequent visitors at Starbuck's and 2nd Cup, also Tim Hortons' but less so. Since McDonald's introduced it better coffee, we have added that destination to our tour of coffee houses, which means somewhat less visits to the others.
Posted by: Charles | Jul 21, 2021 12:10:50 PM
I can't believe that most people agrres with me. Specialty shops have the best coffee, no doubt about it. But for day to day coffee, McD's is the best. I simply cannot believe that Tim Horton is that popular, my theory on this is that people don't actually like the coffee taste but rather the cream and sugar taste. Double Double!! yeark!! I'll have a large black please.
Posted by: FGM | Jul 21, 2021 12:10:58 PM
I was a frequent visitor of Tim Hortons'
but that all change since MCD's free cofee promotion.
I am hooked on their Arabica blend its great!
Posted by: George Lessard | Jul 21, 2021 12:25:18 PM
I preffer Mc's coffee but there various outlets have different prices, which I don't favor but I like the flavour.
Posted by: Kitty | Jul 21, 2021 12:43:44 PM
McDonald coffee is comparable to Tim Horton. To me, they are interchangable. I don't go Starbuck cause $2 a coffee is just too expensive.
Posted by: Kim | Jul 21, 2021 1:08:53 PM
Considering the current economic situation, I think it would be nice to see people supporting their local coffee houses over the big name brands that have been trying to push them out of business.
Posted by: Kris | Jul 21, 2021 1:55:01 PM
Nice to see some people mention 2nd Cup here amongst the Tim's, Starbucks and McD's! I love my java, and go to Starbucks alot, mostly because there's one really close to my job. McD's is pretty good, about on-par with Timmy's, IMHO. However, I've really cut-down on my trips to Tim's over the last year; sometimes just because the lineups are stupid for coffee that's only just good.
Overall I think for chains 2nd Cup is the best, but local places that offer fair trade and/or organic coffee take the prize for best taste. We just need more of these types of places.
Posted by: ED | Jul 21, 2021 2:16:44 PM
Starbucks - I do wish the price was cheaper, but if you want a full bodied coffee, this is the place to go. Tim Horton's is fast-food coffee. McDonald's, not much better.
Posted by: Da | Jul 21, 2021 2:37:59 PM
In my area the line-ups are way too long at McDonald's so for now I will stick with Tim's
Posted by: laurie lokmane | Jul 21, 2021 3:19:14 PM
Tim Hortons is my coffee shop has been for over 20 years , tried Startbucks ( too strong ) MCdonalds coffee its ok but still perfer Tims coffee