What would privatizing Canada Post mean for rural mail delivery?
A sample comment from the latest Canada Post story on TheGlobeAndMail.com: “These postal workers are nothing but a bunch of over-paid whiners, with all their fancy perks, days off, etc. Legislate them back to work, pay them a wage that is appropriate to the skill needed to do the job, and what Canada Post can afford. If they don’t like that, privatize Canada Post, fire the whole bunch of them, and start over.”
Needless to say, the Canada Post PR campaign has not won the entire nation.
Yet while “privatize those scumbags!” is a popular sentiment, a good point was raised in the Ottawa Citizen Thursday. If, in a theoretical world, Canada were to privatize its national postal service, what would it mean for rural mail delivery?
Before we get there, let’s just ram home this point that a good chunk of Canucks aren’t thrilled with the Canada Post. Though their labour fight may well be noble, anytime you infringe on a public service – whether it be a bus route, airport check-in or whatever – that’s just the way it goes. People can get behind “screw the man,” but not if it hampers their day-to-day life.
So it’s with that that detractors of the argument to privatize Canada Post have to deal with headlines like this from Canadian Business, “20 reasons for ending Canada Post’s monopoly.”
Though here’s a great counterpoint in support of the nationalized postal biz.
In the Citizen, an Ottawa resident wondered what might happen to rural mail service if the Canada Post’s nation-wide delivery mandate was wiped clean.
“Will advocates of the privatization of Canada Post," she wrote, "guarantee Canadians living in rural or remote areas, or even small towns and municipalities, that their mail would be delivered at the same cost and within the same time frames as that of Canadians living in major urban areas?”
It’s a great pro-Canada Post point, especially when you consider that about 20 per cent of Canadians still live in rural (towns of less than 1,000) areas.
And, kind of like how satellite operators know they can gouge rural Canadians that don’t have access to cable, it’s well within country livin’ folks’ right to concern over how their mail service might be affected if the Canada Post is no longer there to provide affordable delivery in line with what other Canadians receive.
What do you think? Still privatize Canada’s postal industry, even if it means rural Canucks take the hit?
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Mark | Jun 24, 2021 11:50:40 AM
I don't even use the postal service anymore. Postal employees are going to strike themselves out of a job.They are over paid whiners who couldn't find a job that comes even close to what they are getting paid now. I wish they could fire the lot of them and start people off at $17 per hour. I have absolutely no sympathy for the postal workers.
Posted by: Kathy | Jun 24, 2021 11:55:13 AM
Postal workers, are no different than most unionized workers - over paid and underworked whiners. I agree, pay what the skills are worth, dump the penion, like most private sector employers have done. Unions should not be needed in a developed country like Canada, meaning employers should treat employees fairly, and employees should put in an honest day's work for an honest dollar. Anyone who does not provide an honest day's work, should be fired. Pay for performance is the only way.
Posted by: ISOPOD | Jun 24, 2021 11:58:56 AM
let me tell you something about rural delivery. In 2000 the Postal Service (rural) on Vancouver Island where I live, changed from door to door delivery, to contract superbox delivery (end of street). It was the best thing that ever happened, no inconvenience and neighbors got to know one another again, while picking up their mail. Also, the contract person (her husband worked for me)that took over the route, actually replaced 5 postal workers (at $70,000 aprox per annum, all in) for $12,000 per year (5 super routes) plus $500 per month fuel allowance. She loved the job, as she finished her route(s) in less than 3 hours daily and was very happy to make about $17 an hour part time. Hurt rural delivery....we never had better service! Fire all the mollycoddled and overpaid bums and let them get an unskilled job in the real world....they'll pine for the "good old days" before they pushed the greed button one too many times. Besides, there are just too many viable options these days.
Posted by: Carl | Jun 24, 2021 11:59:05 AM
I can tell you one thing.. I DON'T want someone delivering my cheques, credit cards, and parcels to my house making $12/hr!! Pay for quality workers and you will get it!! WHO IN THE WORLD IS GOING TO WORK FOR $24,000 A YEAR? Meanwhile the politicians make a base salary of $157,000 a year!! Privatizing Canada Post will do nothing for the average Canadian except steal a company that belonged to them since the beginning of Canada.
Posted by: Joe Blow | Jun 24, 2021 12:00:53 PM
The U.S. postal system may have Saturday delivery, but it's Billions of $ in debt and considering massive service cuts (ie. dropping Saturday delivery and postal outlet closings). So don't compare Canada Post with the USPS.
Posted by: VMK | Jun 24, 2021 12:06:46 PM
Canada Post spent billions of dollars on upgrading the mail system and it has many problems and is still not working, not everyone is online,misdirecting mail, etc. They will need to double the money already spent to properly implement this grand plan. For all of those who internet bank and pay bills lets not whine next time your banking information gets hacked and your identity gets stolen. Privatization will dramatically change our mail system, increased costs, less services. Canada Post biggest chunk of profits goes right back to the federal government, then the Board of drectors, and then ceo's and management. And heaven help those postal workers when after 28 years of back breaking service that they" may/might" receive 6 weeks holidays, and heaven help them when they ask for at least a 48 cent raise per year??!! Not to mention a benefit plan that uses old pay lists and a meager benefit plan at best. Shame of those who act as judge and jury, walk the walk people! And get your facts before you condemn!
Posted by: J Oliver | Jun 24, 2021 12:18:22 PM
Privatize everything! Especially Canada Post! The Unions are redundant and useless. Their losing struggle to provide a few workers with a little more money, or a little more benefits is outdated and harmful to the economy. The corporate model needs to rule and dominate in EVERY sector of the economy. Products and services need to be brought to market without ANY hindrences from disgruntled workers. Profits are important to maintain a strong market share and and provide the capital for future loans and expansions. Ths cost of paying workers is, in most businesses, the greatest expense that a company will have. It is important for these companies to keep their costs down to remain competative. Most workers are paid too much anyways and receive too many benefits, and that is why corporations need to keep wages relatively low and keep benefits to a minimum. The job of the corporation is to keeps costs to a minimun and profits to a maximum. This has always been the corporate way and people that don't like it can go somewhere else. It is not the job of the corporation to worry about if its workers can buy expensive foods or buy designer clothing or a new car or a vacation. People can get by with regular foods, regular clothes or used cars. I just don't see why people always think of corporations as the bad guy. They have provided us with all the wonderful and cool things we have in everyday life. If they could automate everything and get rid of the workers, products would be a LOT cheaper. Unions have always been detrimental to the corporate model and it is time to do away with them completely in order to save the economy and let companies run things they way they were intended to.
Posted by: J Oliver | Jun 24, 2021 12:25:41 PM
DVOVAN is correct. People with Masters degrees will make about 12 to 14 bucks/hr. After a year of two of hard work then maybe they can get paid 15 or 16 bucks. (if they are very good and don't miss work days). But if there are too many of them, then it becomes a drain on the companies profits and future goals. Add expensive benefits to this and it eats away the profits as well. Canada Post workers are highly over paid! As are most unskilled workers. There is no reason why unskilled people can't get by on 8 to 12 bucks/hr. if they can't then they are spending way too much or need to live together in groups to keep their costs lower.
Posted by: Malka | Jun 24, 2021 12:29:41 PM
Master degree job that starts at 12/14 an hour. I dont think so ..where do you live in the boonies?
Posted by: ana | Jun 24, 2021 1:18:59 PM
I would like to see the post office people have to go out and look for another job and realize most employers are paying $10 to 11 dollars an hour! It doesn't matter if you worked in factory before your wexperience my be years but your only worth that much. With the price of gas most people can't afford to travel too far to work at that wage only for gas to suck it up. And I read some small cars aren't any better than mid size cars so go out and get a loan for a new car not knowing how long your job will last. Some people don't know when they are better off!
Posted by: really? | Jun 24, 2021 1:22:20 PM
Privatize the lot of em, drop their wages to 5 bucks an hour! of course I'll still expect them to come spend the same amount of money in my small business....in the small town I live in and love. And without their pensions I'll still expect people to magically find the money to spend in my store so I won't lose my shirt. wait....I think we may have a problem....could it be that we all benefit from public services workers with decent wages????
The one thing I learned in business school - Good wages and pensions help drive the economy, public wages create sustainable local economies. Private business can reap the rewards by expanding in communities with stable capital. It's not the end of the world to have Canada Post privatized, but the haters can only blame the public sector for so long till it's destroyed, and life hasn't gotten any better for them. Then what? who else to blame when the norm is minimum wage and no pensions?
Posted by: ana | Jun 24, 2021 1:29:00 PM
Bt the way not everyone has a computer and not everyone wants to run out and get one just because of the mail strike. Most companies think all have computers well they are wrong so how are people to get their bills and have them paid on time?? I for one will never pay my bills on line all I need is to get hacked into, these companies knew they were going on strike so they should of had arrangements made to get their bills out to their customers instead of penalizing them for being late. I don't think that is a very customer relation and I don't think it is fair to their customers.
Posted by: Devon | Jun 24, 2021 1:40:10 PM
PRIVATIZE!! look at other countries in the world that has privatized. People are finally waking up, if CP is privatized, service would be so much better, cost would be alot cheaper. Unions need to be abolished, their a parasite to our society, they dont care about the economy or you!
Posted by: rita | Jun 24, 2021 1:44:24 PM
I wonder why people talk about job security, there is no such thing, wake up from your dreams. Every job has it own hardship, there are lots of people more qualified than CP and they even work for minimum wage to sustain the family. There is no benefit package, no sick leave. My point is if you are not happy, leave CP and find a real job. Unions are good for lazy workers not for ambitious workers. Good organizations are cheated by Unions and supported by lazy workers. If some one is not doing their job right, the union shouldn't support. Union should be standing for the good workers, they probably don't need their support anyway.
Posted by: Marten | Jun 24, 2021 1:45:35 PM
Welcome in the welfare country....Freeeeeee-Markets are better than Govvernment Mandates
Posted by: Bob Klassen | Jun 24, 2021 1:53:53 PM
You cannot have one group hold the country at ransom. Legislate them back to work. They are an essential service. Let's remember who the real boss is here. It is the tax payer not Canada Post Corporation. My blood pressure went through the roof when I heard a postal employee comment that it should be people before profits with the post office. I say B.S. to that. Just what we need another government run corporation (like CBC) and thats a story for another day sucking money out of the public coffers to subsidize their operations. Let's weed out the waste so we can free up money for things that matter i.e. education, health care, for our seniors etc. Last word to the postal employee's. If you don't want to work for an extention of the goverment that is deemed as essential, then don't. Buy a paper and start looking for another job.
Posted by: Laverne L Richardson | Jun 24, 2021 1:54:40 PM
I think that the time has come to use the technology avalible, the internet! The worries of building a better service is silly. If the people a canada post think they need such high pay to do what would be concidered a labour job in most other countrys then shut them down. Once we finish with that then continue on with Air Canada this is another pain in the A...... company that is holding Canadians hostage and providing a terrible service. I travel overseas allot and thought they may not be the worst service they are close. The next on the list should be Canada customs, they are the worst that I have seen with out doubt. Our services in Canada are over priced, over staffed, over rated and with out a one second doubt in my mind a clear reason that our tax's are high in Canada as well. Check out what all these services cost tax payers and then comment on why we should get rid of the lot of them.
Posted by: Mark | Jun 24, 2021 2:01:39 PM
I can't believe how many people that make low wages, have no benefits, no pension, etc are so against unions and collective bargaining. Maybe they should be demanding better public pensions, better healthcare, and better wages for everyone instead of trying to bring the jobs with these things down to the level they work at.
Posted by: Brooke Jensen | Jun 24, 2021 2:09:53 PM
For those of you who feel that the postal service is outdated and all communication can be conducted through the internet and other technologies, I must disagree with you. I work in a apecialty medical office and all of our appointment notices are sent out by Canada Post. Currently we are not able to do this with the strike. The alternative is to phone patients to book appointments which would require 2-3 full time employees just to chase patients as not everyone answers the phone or responds to messages. Right now we have 1 person able to schedule appointments and generate letters and perform other duties as well. For this situation the mail is more efficient. Also I live in a rural postal service area and to get my bills and statements the mail is more convenient because high speed internet service in this area is either unreliable or very expensive. Please realize that yes most of the country is connected by internet but not all and also not all of the mail sent by Canada Post can be then sent electronically.
Posted by: Clive | Jun 24, 2021 2:32:05 PM
Privatising Canada Post would lead to higher costs to the consumer and higher profits to the American owned Courier Companies.The cost of mail would be so prohibitive that companies such as Hallmark would see their profits drop as less and less people will be sending their cards.The highly profitable business in downtown cores would eventually see the couriers dropping the rural routes.Would the consumer be expected to pay for the non profitable routes when the Companies like FEDEX make a killing with the profitable routes