The gospel according to Apple
Ask marketers why Mac and iPhone users are so loyal, and they all cite the same reason: Apple's brand.
Apple, of course, is the classic emotional marketer. It’s not just intimate with its customers, it's loved, and there is a real sense of community among users of its ubiquitous products.
In fact, Apple users constitute a ‘church’ of sorts, writes Andy Jordan in the New York Times. But, as with any religion, not everybody is a true believer. Apple’s pricing tricks, for instance, rankle some observers.
“Steve Jobs is a master of using pricing decoys, reference prices, bundling, and obscurity to make you think his shiny aluminum toys are a good deal,” according to Ben Kunz, director of strategic planning at Mediassociates.
Click here to read his take on how ‘sneaky-smart’ Apple protects its space.
His conclusion: “Apple makes us willing to pay more to do the same stuff we did 30 years ago: Read magazines, type messages, watch shows, make phone calls. The communication breakthroughs are mostly an illusion, but with shiny aluminum in our hands, who cares what it costs?”
Despite this, for the third year running, Apple has been named the World’s Most Admired Company in voting conducted by Fortune. According to the magazine, Apple won the 2010 vote by the highest margin ever for a No. 1.
Is Apple really that much worse than Disney or Nike when it comes to preaching the gospel? Do you feel manipulated? Or are you happy with your shiny purchases?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: SP | Sep 2, 2021 11:05:07 AM
Apple is no worse than Disney, Nike or Imperial Tobacco and that sadly, is a damning indictment of the average intellectual peak of our society as a whole.
Ohhh... Shiny!
Posted by: bonk | Sep 3, 2021 12:16:55 AM
what i do know is this.....i need a computer to make my living.
when a company gives me exactly what i need, and it outlasts my p.c. counterparts by three times before it needs to be replaced (thereby saving me money and hassle), then i will support their product wholeheartedly.
if it is black, silver, shiny, whatever.....i could care less.
if this is the reason behind apple's success, so be it then, the lemmings end up
funding a superior product.
Posted by: Jeff Lewis | Sep 3, 2021 1:31:17 AM
Bonk, you're falling victim to the classic Apple false economy.
First off, any decent PC lasts easily as long as a Mac and still be quite a deal - but if you look at the current crop of PC laptops for example, you can get a very good system for $500 - 1/2 to 1/4 the price. If it lasts just 1/2 as long, you're still ahead because it means in a few years, you can pick up a replacement with the latest OS, CPU and features, while your 'long lasting' Mac will be years behind the curve.
And that's ignoring the fact that Macs tend to be ahead of the curve (by a little) in terms of CPU, but generally behind the curve in terms of compatibility and features.
If the Mac suits your needs and works better for you - cool, it's the system you should use. But to argue it's better on cost or longevity is really a wide miss.
Posted by: brad | Sep 3, 2021 9:12:12 AM
If you really analize Apple you will see that they are no more than a marketing company first then technology second. Look at their ads and presentations they make everything seem new cool amazing brilliant. Really its not. its called brainwashing with words and subliminal messages. Apple is like a religion to some and that is not a sarcastic comment. If you think I am wrong see this video for yourself and think about how you described an apple product when someone asked you.
Posted by: jeff | Sep 3, 2021 10:13:07 AM
Try customer service. Apple techs will spend as much time as needed to successfully resolve a problem. They don't blame service providers or anyone else. They are patient, efficent and professional. Their products are cutting edge and creative. Truth be told I'm sold. Get me an Apple product.
Posted by: bonk | Sep 3, 2021 10:55:52 AM
by my experience, apple lasts longer while remaining capable longer.
it's not a marketing thing. what i do see is a negative spin for all their products (even before their comparatively recent success), hence this blog.
it is not uncommon putting up with passerby's disparaging comments. but every dollar i've spent has been a smart one.
the negative comments far outweigh the publicity campaigns. i'm not about to buckle simply because the herd insists on using twitchy OS's.
and i would defy a 500 dollar laptop to compete with the laptop i have. my colleagues use the flagship models of competitors.....and they do not stand up.
telling me i am not experiencing what i am experiencing is a weak argument.
Posted by: brad | Sep 3, 2021 11:26:45 AM
I just find it halarious that someone would drop 2 to 3 thousand dollars for a computer thats going to be out dated in less than 6 months. I mean apple does not build their products in the USA its in CHINA next to all the worlds factories. so why are they charging 3 of 4 times as much. Hence its consumerism at its best. If apple came out with a pen that they marketed the same say they do their macs or ipods you would say that same thing. I spend 50 dollars on this but its better and lasts longer, its simple its amamzing and apple makes it so it must be superior... but it costs the same to manufacture. AKA you have been fooled my friend. those are wasted hard earned dollars.
Posted by: merle | Sep 4, 2021 12:18:47 PM
i used an apple laptop for 6 years. albeit with some hardware mods. which were cheap because i was able to do it myself. my buddy went thru 3 pc's in the same time. my laptop cost with mods.....3 grand. his investment at 1500 a do the math. i am ahead.
i suppose some people will argue that a base-model ford is the same as a porsche. it was made by the same type of workers, in the same type of factory, maybe in the same geographic area....but for many, this is just a weak argument.
Posted by: merle | Sep 4, 2021 12:29:41 PM
i will only mention in passing that brad is commenting on a product he clearly has not purchased or used.
here's the deal about a product that does not sell near as much as it's ends up costing more. when a product dominates, then it's price goes down. i think it's called economies of scale. hardly a d@mning indication of quality or lack there-of.