Just one week to go before HST hike
Ontario's new Harmonized Sales Tax is just one week away.
What's interesting is that, unlike in B.C. where the backlash has been severe, most Ontario residents seem rather indifferent to the whole thing. Or maybe they just haven't done the math.
While 83% of goods and services -- such as basic groceries, municipal transit and prescription drugs -- will remain untouched by the HST, the remainder will cost the average Ontario family $792 this year, according to a recent NDP study.
The figures, which do not include the one-time transition cheques that Ontarians received this month, suggest that only families with a combined income of less than $20,000 would come out ahead once the HST is in effect.
And that's not a lot of people.
Some products will be eligible for a point of-sale rebate for the provincial part of the HST. This means you'll only pay the 5% federal portion of the HST (equivalent to the current GST). These include print newspapers, books, diapers, children’s clothing and footwear, children’s car seats and booster seats, feminine hygiene products and diapers.
Many household expenses that currently aren't subject to the PST will now be included under the HST, however. These include: basic cable TV, local residential phone, landscaping, lawn care, private snow removal, home renovations, and home service calls by an electrician, plumber or carpenter -- all of which will drive condo fees up as condo corporations pass their costs on through.
HST will now be charged on taxi trips, hotel rooms and any domestic air, rail and bus travel originating in Ontario, effectively making many vacations 8% more expensive.
Private resale of vehicles is also subject to HST, as is the price of gasoline or diesel. Expect to pay HST on gym and athletic memberships, green fees for golf, sports and fitness lessons (ballet, hockey, soccer, etc.), as well as hockey rink and hall rentals.
Massage therapy and fitness training are also subject to the harmonized tax, as are higher ticket items such as legal fees and funeral services.
Is it too late to fight back? Probably. But that hasn't stopped the growing tax revolt on the West Coast.
The Fight HST campaign has close to 700,000 signatures on its petition. A successful petition, approved by Elections BC, would allow the anti-lobby to propose legislation to revoke the HST before the legislature.
Does Ontario need a grass roots movement like that of Bill Vander Zalm? Would you sign up?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Raza Bhimani | Jun 23, 2021 1:51:34 AM
HST Stands for How Stupid Thing I just can't understand this greedy goverment, they are bunch of Vimpires, making us work even harder till we bleed to death, may be that's what they want, so we die early, so they don't have to pay old age pension plan
Posted by: Lisa | Jun 23, 2021 8:47:00 AM
Yes, sign up at "stop the hst." It's not hard to find and you don't have to use your name.
However, this is the liberals for you. Taxes seem to be their answer to everything.
We need a new direction. NOT McGuinty.
Posted by: C. CHOW | Jun 23, 2021 9:25:40 AM
TOtally agree with Lise....people running our country spends like their banks are bottomless and the tax-payers are left to pay.......we should all stage a revolt against all the new taxex......and vote the mcGuinty government out.....
Posted by: arnold moore | Jun 23, 2021 9:36:33 AM
I was a happy conservative.Not anymore. Not likeing the liberals I guess the NDP will gain another vote.This may give them a littel more clout if enough of us have this attitude but not likely they will win an election----unfortunatly
Posted by: N.Pasic | Jun 23, 2021 9:39:08 AM
Sounds like everyone is just listening to the Anti-HST rhetoric without examining the facts. HST brings an outdated tax system into the 21st Century- in every other province that has brought in the HST, retail prices have actually dropped as a result! This is GOOD for consumers in the medium and long-term! Plus take a look when you file your 2010 taxes next year- because of the HST, your income taxes have gone down. Pay more for luxuries like cars, gym memberships and other non-necessities, and then save on your hard-earned income. Sounds good to me!
Plus, I've gotta say- if you want education, health care, police, infrastructure like good roads etc, then be ready to pay taxes. It's a big country with a lot of bills to pay, and THATS what your taxes are for!
Posted by: Ralph | Jun 23, 2021 9:41:15 AM
So they raise taxes to compensate for their over spending, and now they want to sell the LCBO, OLG, and Hydro One to private companies to balance their over spending also. F-ing government, they just screw us every way they can. Whatever happened to democracy, you know where the people have the say? We voted these a**holes into office and they should be doing what we want, not what they want. People are broke enough, now if they privatize all those things, prices are definitely going to go up and make life worst for everyone. This is the governments fault and it should be fixed at their expense, not ours.
Posted by: wanda urban | Jun 23, 2021 9:47:14 AM
This is the biggest tax grab yet! PLease tell me how this is going to make us more competetive and create jobs in this province...I don't understand ...We need to get rid of this Liberal government..but will the next one address this issue?? It is time for us to become more vocal and not be so complacent and not allow this to happen again..where do we sign?
Posted by: Bear | Jun 23, 2021 10:14:10 AM
Goods rarily decrease in prices, it is an essential part of a good economy. Yes the McGuinty government has lowered income taxes but Flaherty has already hinted at an increase in federal taxes and the CPP. So you add that increase and the increase to services such as Hyrdo, Gas, meals out, entertainment, alcohol and you end up paying a lot more. (Not to mention, why are prisoners getting the bribe cheques ...or transition cheques as the provincial liberals have referred to them.)
Both the provincial and federal governments are spending Canadians into a very tough spot...why build a fake lake when Ontario has 250,000 freshwater lakes with many located no where near the G8/G20. Why bail out failing companies...the auto industry, only to let other industries fail.
Yes taxes are necessary and I have no problem paying them, but I do have a problem paying for the stupid, unnecessary mistakes made by both the provincial and federal governments in these last few years. If they want to spend a few billion dollars why don't they give all the troops a raise, higher more doctors, improve health care and invest in alternative sources of energy like becoming a major producer or solar power- that's how Canada can make a big impact in the 21st century.
Posted by: ryguy | Jun 23, 2021 10:14:40 AM
but what nothing in the report mentions that it was the federal government that allowed the hst in the beggining by passing legeslation that made it legal for the provincial governments to impose it. so while all the noise made on the west coast is being heard, its only the provincial MLA's that are receiving the brunt of the anti-hst movement. start emailing your local MP as well, raise as much noise as possible. Let your government know that how you truly feel about this cash grab
Posted by: Rishi | Jun 23, 2021 10:16:59 AM
Illitrate people like YOU all vote for these Liberals.
They have screwed us in the past, they are screwing us now.. and will continue to screw us up coz they know ppl are in Ont, specially toronto are indifferent bunch of illitrates who just vote Liberal.. coz it 'sounds fancy' and their friends vote them too!
Guys! smarten up!
Posted by: BillyBoy | Jun 23, 2021 10:24:48 AM
There is ONE SIMPLE SOLUTION to reclaiming your FREEDOM from this fascistic and oppressive government (Imagine that; they take half of YOUR SALARY away from you, take 15% sales tax off every item - even though it is recycled as it passes through multiple hands and they steal the value of your money through inflation by printing money that they use out of thin air)... and we are to bend over and take it?
WHAT TO DO? Simple.
Take you money OUT OF THE BANKING SYSTEM! That's right. Go to your bank and yank out $10,000, $100,000. Everything you can. The measly 1-2% interest they pay you is the price you pay for your FREEDOM.
If 10 million people (1/3 of the population) withrew only $10,000 out of the bank - that's a $100 BILLION dollar economy in the hands of the PEOPLE! Cannot be taxed. Cash society. Use your CASH before it's too late.
This is better than voting, it is better than petition (a wate of time). This is TRUE POWER back in your hands. TAKE YOUR MONEY OUT OF THE BANKS (legally, when you deposit money in a bank it ceases to be yours - all your receive is 1-2% and a promise to repay. Of course, the bank is banking on most people never coming to withdraw their actual money. It's all debits and credits. It's a scam based on fear).
Posted by: Derek | Jun 23, 2021 10:25:22 AM
Whoever voted Liberal is to blame for all this bullshit. I can safely say I voted NDP, regardless of the outcome. Vote with your heart, not because your friends are doing the "cool" thing. You fucked us all in the end. We need a bigger voice in Canada, we're a bunch of complacent morons when it comes to new things being incorporated by our lame government.
Posted by: Rishi | Jun 23, 2021 10:33:02 AM
no point in venting anymore.
Seeing the trend of the society.. im sure the next goverment is liberal too!
coz ppl will not realize the implications until it hits their paychecks and savings.
Posted by: scm | Jun 23, 2021 10:40:00 AM
A large enough hit that my vote will be anything other than conservative from the municipal level to the fed level of gov't. Time for Ont tax payers to speek out call your local mpps for a start, enough is enough.
Posted by: J Marion | Jun 23, 2021 10:42:57 AM
I don't mind paying taxes for services, I hate to see my money wasted. Remember McGuinty told us he would not increase taxes. Then put in a tax levy for health care and now we have the HST to deal with. What needs fixing is the bureaucracy in this country and the lack of leadership. Increasing taxes with no direction is a waste of my money. I don't mind moving to this century, J Pasic, I just wish that they would do it responsibly.
Posted by: Jim | Jun 23, 2021 10:43:56 AM
This is nothing but a tax grab by BC Liberals because they don't have the intelligence to run a calculator to balance a budget and watch their spending.
They took a HUGE salary increase, which they did not deserve and even during the recessions worst months they never took a roll back.
All this is about is taxpayers bailing out an incompetent governing body!
A recall is inevitable out here, and too bad Ontario can't react like we can and are!!!
Posted by: Kitedemon | Jun 23, 2021 10:52:09 AM
I fear that any protest falls on deaf ears and detracts from our own quality of life as we stress over things like the HST. It is just one example of many injustices wrought upon the people that pay the bills; Us.
Opressive rules make criminals of us all. I for one will be quite happy to pay my furnace repair person in cash, no receipt required; no HST added. By the same token, I will be happy to provide the service that I provide to my clients under the same conditions.
The end result of course is a vast grey market that exists because the "legal" way of doing it is too opressive. This is already a large sector of the economy and results in the collection of less tax for the government to use in providing the services we require. Services such as the recent fake lake in Toronto or the many junkets to foreign countries by our MPs and MPPs.
Oh wait, we don't require either one of those activities, sorry, my mistake.
Posted by: Lisa | Jun 23, 2021 10:56:41 AM
N. Pasic--Go and read up about the HST please...before you decide to like it.
I have no problem with "blending"...to help businesses in paperwork. However, do you realize that now you will have higher gas and hydro bills. Also, it isn't JUST the rich renovating their homes. Also, it's NOT just the rich that get their hair done. I do NOT consider all these things "luxury" items.
Ontarions don't get angry enough to do anything. So, my next hope is that Tim Hudak gets voted in, in the next provincial election. HE is talking about lowering the HST. All I can say is, that is better than nothing at all.
Posted by: April | Jun 23, 2021 11:20:59 AM
If I knew that there was a movement in Ontario similar to the one in BC I'd be in! I'm a single parent working my ass off just to keep the lights turned on and gas in the car while I put myself through school...the LAST thing I need is to pay a higher rate on things like basic phone, hydro, food and fuel! I can't even afford to get my hair done NOW....damned if I'll be able to afford it after July 1st. My wages sure as hell aren't going up by 8% to cover this crap! Ontarians are WAAAAY to complacent and the government knows it....they've screwed us over and over and OVER again and we do is sit here and complain on forums like this one. And then we shut up and just take it up the A** like good little *itches. I don't know how to start an anti-new-tax-movement. If someone does, let me know. I'm in. I say we gather several thousand people and march in on Toronto and friggin' camp out there until they give in. G20 or no G20.
Posted by: Roger | Jun 23, 2021 11:21:21 AM
Yes, I would love to sign petition to stop this money grabbing tactics of Dalton and gang. And of course, once this is in effect even the oppositions have no balls to abolished it. Wish we have the same laws as in Vancouver where you can recall the gov't!