Blondes earn much more than other women: study
In every office across most every industry, there are stereotypes.
There’s the underqualified female exec who makes “slept her way to the top” rumours fly around the workplace. There’s the old guy who, just as he’s sure to wear a bad suit jacket each day, people presume will be roping colleagues into a 45-minute lecture on stamps near the break room. And there are the blonde women, who – thanks to predecessors like this and this – are thought to make Lauren Caitlin Upton come off like Michelle Obama.
Rarely, though, do victims of prejudice get to fight back. Today, blondes get their chance to turn the table.
A new study from the University of Queensland shows that blonde women – in spite of their depiction in popular media – earn seven per cent higher salaries than women with hair of a different colour.
According to the Australian report, life only gets better from there for blondes, who also marry men that earn an average six per cent higher wage than husbands of other women.
Now, we know what you’re thinking: it’s only the, um – how best to put this? – more favourably-endowed blondes that this data includes. Regular, ordinary-looking blondes aren’t likely to account for this subgroup of Jessica Simpsons’ that are raking in big cash.
But, perhaps surprisingly, the researchers’ findings were consistent even when factors like height, weight and education were removed; no matter what their make-up, blondes still earn more across the board.
This news is, of course, much to the chagrin of blonde haters.
Fear not, though, stereotypers. As Olga Uskova, president of something called the International Blondes Association, tells the Daily Telegraph, the monetary success of blondes may not have anything to do with their smarts, after all:
“We … do better in the workplace because when we make a mistake we can say, ‘Oh, sorry about that, it’s because I’m blonde’ and get away with it.”
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Don | Apr 5, 2021 10:00:32 AM
Posted by: melendy | Apr 15, 2021 10:50:10 PM
blonde-haters everywhere should tabulate the amount of peroxide our society seems to use. there are far fewer genuine blondes than wannabe dye-jobbers.
Posted by: m | Apr 15, 2021 10:52:52 PM
leading to the belief that a lot of the haters are in fact, wannabes. crazy, man.