Would you consider donating frequent flier miles to charity?
With the economy leaving many feeling financially squeezed, it’s tough to find the cash to support your favourite charity. How about donating some of those air miles instead?
Websites such as MileDonor have detailed lists of airlines and their charity organizations. Donating your AIR MILES allows non-profit organizations like Kids Help Phone or Special Olympics Canada to access airline seats to fly people in need, or book them into a hotel room.
Aeroplan, for example, allows its members to donate rewards miles gained from air flights to offset the damage those flights cause, through the donation of carbon credits. Donations can also be made to several charities, including Doctors Without Borders, and the Stephen Lewis Foundation.
The Ottawa Humane Society uses the miles it receives from sponsors to purchase prizes that are then raffled or sold to raise cash.
Even those who don’t have a card can participate: When cashiers ask you for your AIR MILES card you can either give them the Ottawa Humane Society’s collector number – 8402 125 6112 – or give them a photocopy of the OHS card so the cashier can then scan the barcode or enter their number.
Any similar plans for your frequent flier points this winter?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Bill Greene | Dec 11, 2021 8:21:11 AM
No, cause most charities are crooked, just like religion, the goverment, insurance company's and so forth.
Posted by: Lisa | Dec 13, 2021 11:05:51 AM
Hey, I completely agree will Bill. Most charities ARE crooked. Have you ever looked at how much the CEO or "guy at the top" makes in these so-called charities??
Too bad I'm not the person organizing one. lol
Posted by: Heather | Dec 13, 2021 4:22:16 PM
So let's say you're right Bill, and charities are crooked. Is this the fault of those who are helped by those charities? No. So unless you're planning your own method of helping those in need, your viewpoint is crooked.
Posted by: Brenda | Dec 13, 2021 6:47:08 PM
I run a national charity. I make $70,000 a year. The administrative costs are 25% and the rest is poured into the program itself. We are audited every year and, believe me, we are not crooked!
Posted by: YOUNG MOM2009 | Dec 13, 2021 11:45:50 PM
NO , I would not donate anything any more..... . It seems to me that people make good jobs out of donations. There is no control really what goes to poor people . I also think I should apply for the job, or maybe open my own charity and earn $ 70,000. ....I work hard as a nurse with a lot of responsibilities, and I do not make that much per year......I guess , I made a wrong choice back than, lol
Posted by: Bill Greene | Dec 14, 2021 10:53:06 AM
I never said it was the fault of those who are helped by the charities now did I?? And who said we absoblutely have to help those in need? Whenever someone knocks at the door asking for money for a charity. How do you know how much of what you give them is pocketed? Or the santa claus for the salvation army that rings the bell and has that ball full of change how do you know its the only one he has and doesn't carry one for himself and one for the charity. And those are just 2 of many examples I can go on all day. Also I never said all charities were crooked I said most were. So with that said HEATHER you can go waste all your hard earned money on scams uh I mean charities all you want, and I'll just keep my money for my family.
Posted by: Lisa | Dec 14, 2021 3:40:21 PM
Wow...Heather you make 70,000 a year for a charity! If you made 1/2 of that, imagine how much more those in need would get! (I don't believe anyone that works for any charity should make enough to live off of...then it is no longer a charity but a full-time job...which NO charity should be.)
Charities should have a means to an end...to end the problems.
Posted by: Al | Dec 19, 2021 5:25:52 AM
Why would you waste your miles like this? Make a donation to a charity of your choice for the approx. cash value of your points, get a tax writeoff on the donation, and use your points for what you earn them for. I'm sure the gov't likes this idea; have lees writeoffs.