Would you buy a new GM off eBay?
By Jason Buckland, Sympatico / MSN Finance
No one gets picked on more in this space than General Motors.
While the recent sins of, say, Chrysler or AIG may be on par – for whatever reason – GM takes it the worst. They’re like Mary-Kate Olsen at the Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest: they can’t win.
But for all its pitfalls, damnit if GM can’t make headlines.
In a bid to give lagging sales mouth-to-mouth, the struggling manufacturer has announced its dealers could soon begin selling new cars through eBay.
CEO Fritz Henderson said GM and the Internet auction site are looking to team up to sell the vehicles using eBay’s traditional bidding system, but dealers could also have the option to set a predetermined “Buy it Now” price buyers could opt for.
And we have to admit, the move shows a heck of lot of ingenuity on the part of GM, who appear now to be realizing the best way to maximize that $2-billion-a-year marketing budget just might be to open up as many avenues as possible for people to buy your cars.
The proposed strategy also springs forth an intriguing debate on the consumer side of things. Would you seriously consider buying a new GM off eBay?
Your traditional car buyer is going to tell you you’d be an idiot to toss thousands at a set of wheels you haven’t even stepped in yet, but is that process really as crucial as it once was?
GM’s virtual showroom is packed full of about three dozen intimate, detailed pictures of each model, and it’s likely their website will soon go the way of Mazda’s, who give you a Whoa-inducing (click 'View Interior') 360-degree online tour of their cars that's genuinely not far removed from actually sitting in the thing yourself.
It’s argued, of course, that’s there’s no substitute for getting the feel of a new car, and that’s certainly right. But that notion may also be a bit misguided. What percentage of car buyers would you say seriously put a considerable amount of stock into how a car performed during its test drive? 15? 20? What’s more, would it not also be fair to say that most new GMs, within the same class and relative specs, now generally perform about the same?
In any case, the absence of a material meeting with your new car appears to be the only downside to the eBay arrangement. You would still be buying from an actual dealer and would have someone in the flesh to contact. Your warranty and feature-customization would, presumably, all be taken care of.
It all sounds very plausible to me, at least. Add to the mix the draw of eBay which – by its nature as an auction site, is designed to land buyers considerable discounts every one in a while – and you’d have to think this move is a good way for GM to get some oomph behind this whole recovery thing they’re trying.
Posted by: Ground Zero | Jul 13, 2021 5:36:35 PM
Lousy idea, but it would give GM a new reason to add layers of management, which is their only area of expertise!
Posted by: Gates | Jul 13, 2021 5:54:38 PM
I have owned GM product all my life and I've had enough of them. Crappy quality, over priced and bad service has turned me towards imports as my only option for my next purchase. They have been way to busy trying to be the top producer and building bigger that they forgot about the consumer. They should have been the leader of fuel efficient, dependable and quality vehicles but their greed has allowed them to be surpassed by Toyota, Kia, Hyundai and other imports who have been cattering more to peoples needs. If GM has any chance in becoming #1 again, they need to focus on quality, fuel efficiency, great service all while keeping the price at a compatible price to others. If they could produce such vehicles, I probably would re-consider buying a GM. I think selling cars on e-bay is outright hidious. I would never by a car online.
Posted by: Steve | Jul 13, 2021 8:29:10 PM
For everyone bashing the domestics I can only say "drive a new import for a bit" The poor quality that used to be the hallmark of every US/Canadian car is there in many of the new imports. I would certainly buy online as most soon will do, the traditional dealership is going the way of the full service gas station "quaint but disappearing".
Posted by: T.Owens | Jul 13, 2021 8:41:04 PM
I have drove GM's my entire life.( 60 yrs old ) No more ! They begged for a hand out from our tax money, then gave out bonuses to the very people who ran the company into the ground and now think l'm stupid enough to carry on. No more, I'm now thinking of getting a new Ford F150 4X4.
Posted by: Blair Smyth | Jul 13, 2021 8:41:53 PM
Hi All you Gen Mo lovers and haters.. Think again I had a delivery truck made by G.M.C. in 1965 It had 18 brake jobs in 18 months, 3 front end alignments 5 batteries and new tires every 6 months. True story check with Hertz Rent a Car. I bought one of those wonderful OLDSMOBILE stationwagons in the early 80*s Diesel to save me fuel money. Well---took delivery of it from a dealership on Dufferin and 401. Drove it home 6 miles and into my garage and the R 100 Verga transmission fell on my garage floor and my only recompense from G.M. was *we will fix it for you*
Both were engine oil leakers. Would you buy another G.M.? Never had a bad Ford, Never had a Chrysler--remember the 1957*s that you bought took possession of and they rusted as you drove them off the lot and the darn things would start on a cold day but a damp day? lol Love those Chryslers. Had Saab*s, Land Rover (what a dud) now have a Volks Golf Diesel 1982 No major repairs and love that Diesel prices ad mileage. Have a good afterlife G.M. but not with me
Posted by: E. Banman | Jul 13, 2021 9:00:23 PM
Who can afford a new any kind of truck?. I know from being on a pension (I workled 36 for years) that I can't. My banker laughed at me when I applied for a loan,...not enough money coming in. Now that was dissappointing!...But, I am still paying the G.M Company through taxes. What gives?
Posted by: GarryJ | Jul 13, 2021 10:38:32 PM
Bought my Chevy Tahoe off e-bay and it has been great, brought it into Canada and the dealer up here has been great, only needed oil changes.
Posted by: Blue Lou | Jul 13, 2021 11:04:59 PM
I am so sick of GM and all their promises. Ebay?.....the cars belong in the bay.
Posted by: jossi | Jul 14, 2021 8:24:39 AM
I seriously can't believe all you complainers about GM. I've driven imports and got the exact same "you own it" famous statement. We know someone else who has a Toyota with a lot of problems. People are so diluted with this perception that he's constantly asking what he could have done different to make his Toyota more reliable. This same guy had a fit when something didn't go right once with his GM vehicle after + or - 80 000 kms on it. All of a sudden it was GM crap even though it was just a small glitch.
We've owned many many GM vehicles and the majority have been very good. We had a Metro with more than 375 ks on it and two cavaliers with over 250 000 with very little problems.
One more thing, you guys may as well all buy GM vehicles as you own the company now, why not support something that you own. You're all whiniing and complaining about the Gov't handing you guys a company when they've just pledged hundred's of millions to Africa so the people can buy more guns. Why not complain about that.
Also, please save the "my daddy bought GM in the 1960s stories" they're irrelevant. What about the plastic garbage Japan produced in the '70s. Again irrelevant.
Posted by: James | Jul 14, 2021 9:21:46 AM
Blair Smyth
Firstly you must be a person that loves the past. You only speak of GM products from 28 or 29 years ago as the freshest. Secondly you have a very narrow thought process to start your post with Gen Mo lovers and Haters. I did'nt take the article to be asking whether you loved anyone but whether you would buy a new car over the internet. Why not get into the 2000's and forget all you pain from 40 and 30 years ago and understand that all manufacturers share quality and quality issues.
I am not sure what you did for a living but I am sure it was different back in the day than now.
Have a nice day
Posted by: malarkey | Jul 14, 2021 1:48:35 PM
the imports are so so so so much better in every way, it took an unprecedented global economic crisis for the imports to surpass domestic global sales.
irregardless of the slander on these forums, the fact remains.....imports have NEVER been #1 before this. and without a credit crisis, they would still be pretenders to the throne.
unless of course,80 years of automotive history are to be ignored.
Posted by: rrr | Jul 14, 2021 2:39:16 PM
how does this turn into a import vs domestic again...... this is about buying a gm on ebay
Posted by: Toby Gorman | Jul 14, 2021 5:08:57 PM
Guess what vehicle GM is hoping will get them out of the tank? The Camaro. A gas guzzling, greenhouse gas emitting muscle car. After all that has happened, they still don't "Get it". Ford get's it, Toyota gets it and Honda gets it.Not only would I not buy a GM product off E-bay, I wouldn't take one if it was given to me.
Posted by: elusive one | Jul 14, 2021 10:13:37 PM
HELL NO.! dont buy GM.. i used to work for a parts factory that shipped to GM and let me tell you.. in order to cut costs they would substitute a certain material for a cheaper material to save money and this would result in poorer quality of GM products. they should have listened to customers and taken car buyers seriously instead of trying to make more cars for more profits. I told my old man not to buy a Gm and he went and bought one anyways, lo and behold he started having problems with a 60 thousand dollar truck 4 years down the road. GM was once a Brand name people could depend on, now its on the road to extinction.
Posted by: bob | Jul 17, 2021 11:39:00 AM
Absolutely I would buy a GM car from ebay. But I'd rather go to the dealer and support a salesperson. GM makes the best cars out there. I own 3 of them and will continue to buy GM. I own a 18, 9 and a 6 year old GM vehicle and they are still running great!!!
Posted by: gm. lover | Jul 20, 2021 4:53:43 PM
I would rather go to a dealer and buy a car or truck. they are very informative and you can take a test drive. All these people putting GM down, do or have you ever had a gm auto. i have always been a gm customer and always will be. keep the jobs in Canada. maybe you idiots will be happy the nano, tata will be arriving next year from india, 2500,00 dollars, that is QUALITY FOR YOUR MONEY. LOOK AT THE NEW XTS, THE CMAERO. COME ON, JEALOUSY ON HERE A BIT. everyone wanted a bad out come from the big car makers and they are turning it around. good for them...buy canadian
Posted by: cindy lou who | Jul 20, 2021 5:05:28 PM
i would buy a general motors car off e bay, but i think if it really came down to it i would go to a dealer, to keep canadians working. this maybe something that forces the dealers to step it up a bit. one thing i believe, that does not exist at any dealership of any company is one price fits all. if you are unable or uncertain how to deal, you always get ripped off. toyoda included. i love the new cars coming out on the general motors line. the new general motors will the the bright star again, as it once was.....caw strong
Posted by: Keith from Canada | Jul 22, 2021 1:12:07 AM
Too many models in the past,too many buyers left with a vehicle having a shitty trade in value after G M stopped making it because "It didnt sell enough" Lets try an older one,All style and no substance!!! Blowing you a kiss goodby G M.