'Will work for free' becoming gospel of the recession
By Jason Buckland, Sympatico / MSN Finance
Maybe British Airways was onto something.
If you recall correctly, many scoffed when the gasping airline did the unthinkable last month by asking its 40,000 staff to work for free as the company continued to reel from the downturn.
But now, according to Reuters, there may some weight to this whole Work For Free thing, only experts can’t decide whether it’s a sign of “dedication or desperation.”
It may not surprise you to know many of the growing unemployed have been offering their services to companies pro bono, a trend designed to boost job seekers’ experience and keep their resumes fresh.
New scepticism to the “Will Work for Free” mantra has been revealed, however, that questions the legality of the movement and wonders if many businesses have been taking advantage of their newfound unpaid employees.
Ross Eisenbrey, VP of the Washington D.C.-based Economic Policy Institute, tells Reuters volunteer work is okay for non-profit groups, but may be unlawful if performed at a commercial company.
“It’s not just a bad idea, it’s illegal,” he says. “The law says (companies) may not suffer or permit employees to work for less than the minimum wage.
“The more desperate people get, they will do things like this to try and make themselves more appealing to an employer. The short-term prospects for most of the unemployed are very bad. They aren’t going to be made much better by working off the books or working for nothing.”
Yet this is where the issue becomes murky. If an employee is able to put some reputable contacts and experience on a resume in exchange for a few hours of free work each week, is that really still being taken advantage of?
Unionized companies would, of course, argue this is a terrible way to undervalue existing employees and put them at risk, and they’re right. But, in these times, is it really still fair to deny the unemployed a chance to prove their worth and gain some profile for future job applications?
When you consider that the recession-spurred trend of working for free is a great way for potential employees to get in on the talent pipeline companies could build to tap when the economy recovers, the answer sure doesn’t appear so clear-cut anymore.
Posted by: NidBits | Jul 14, 2021 9:59:37 AM
This seems like a good idea but who pays the employees for their standard of living outside this scheme? The rest of the world is not in the free everything idea as of yet and if it were; the american national credit card wold disappear after a couple of years by this weird scheme; plus it is an insult to the homeless and the payed lazy workforce that exists today.
Posted by: Barter Hortons | Jul 14, 2021 10:04:46 AM
How long does it take to barter away the goverment and private credit card numbers amounts over time? It might take a year or within a decade at most if crunched calculated.
Posted by: axiom | Jul 14, 2021 10:44:53 AM
This is unfortunate, especially in the independent film industry where this practice is very rampant.
Now if only auto mechanics, wait staff, and other trades people will follow suit. At least they'll get a credit... Somewhere, and then the landlords will hopefully get wise and not charge for rent or better yet, not increasing it.
And utility companies? Well, we all know where that's going.
I had to take a pay CUT this year on my contract. However, I got a rental increase of 1.8%. For the second year in a row.
Yeah, yeah, some of you are thinking, "Well, it's choice..." But is it really? In a recession?
Bah, this "work for free" bit is too one-sided for my taste.
No thanks.
Posted by: philippe | Jul 14, 2021 11:01:32 AM
I think that people on wellfare should be expected to work 10 hours a week... free is fine. What is pushing the working class into desperation is not the excess offer on the labor market but the operation of the global economy that allowed the rich to become very rich and monopolized the production ability of the nation to their service... The working class will soon be made maids for food, but relief will come from the communist China.
I think that the solution is a simple minimum garanteed income, with no barrier to entry in the labor force, cutting the fat in the State and taxing more the higher incomes.
Free trade partner should also harmonize corporations income taxes... if Delaware does not want that, than there should be no free trade.
Free work is great, people contribute free their ideas on internet forum... people want to participate in this economy. There is an old generation that did not realy worked , but wrote us a debt and filled their own bank accounts with the money they borrowed pretending they were working... now it is collapsing because it was invested in their own lies.
The good economy was sabotaged by cynister and lazy self interested public servants... In Montreal the cell phone company had to fire its workforce to get a State employement incentive to re-employ them... The employees once proud of their leadership and ability to succeed in this market now look like a bunch of ass kisers. Thank you state.
Free work and generous participation is a beautiful force but the unfairness of the economical system is taking away the means of the people. Help the young and be strong to offer justice to the lawyers of the unfair economy.
Posted by: Trevor | Jul 14, 2021 12:56:19 PM
Work for free... hmmm.... if you are looking for a job and you need money to pay your bills and your way in life then i suggest sticking it to any corporation that suggests you need to work for free to keep the corporate pigs happy and paid. A man or woman is worthy of his hire!
Posted by: malarkey | Jul 14, 2021 12:58:44 PM
give me a break....working for free is NOT the new gospel.
maybe there are some companies out there currently TAKING ADVANTAGE of the economic climate and EXPLOITING workers on the 'promise' of future employment.....but for crying out loud, stop painting it out as if it is some type of opportunity.
the real trend that is going on now and should be reported on is the widespread pressure for workers to pay for the managerial bungling that has been that has been running rampant in our society.
shine a turd as much as you want, jason buckland, it's still a turd. and smells just as bad.
Posted by: J Lindon | Jul 14, 2021 1:27:02 PM
Sure, I will work for free ..... BUT, I would expect to get what I need for free, on an equivalent basis.
Posted by: rrr | Jul 14, 2021 2:26:21 PM
working for free? got to be kidding, just another way for people to be taking advantage of. this is a horrible idea that would cripple the world as we know it.they think they have a problem with the homeless and with crime now?
Posted by: axiom | Jul 14, 2021 3:57:12 PM
Amen J Lindon... Amen.
And to you Mr. Jason Buckland, why don't you try it and see how you fare. And by all means, let us know how it's all workin' out for ya.
Posted by: Mr. Money | Jul 14, 2021 4:06:27 PM
WORK FOR FREE! How many people that are raising a family, paying of a mortgage, making car payments, & trying to save for thier kid's education will WORK FOR FREE??
Get Real or Go Home!
Posted by: corbeau | Jul 14, 2021 4:21:38 PM
Work for free? Get paid less? Pay your bills? Drive a car? Have a thriving economy?
If we are to work for free then everything must be free. And then nothing will be worth anything. I'm ok with that but that is not reality.
Pay the people who work well and they will buy thing and then we have a real economy, stop the rediculess thinking look what it gout us into.
Ask for more pay and less taxes. Then we will controle our economy.
Stop abusing people as if they are nothing.....
Posted by: Mee | Jul 14, 2021 5:34:13 PM
Slavery has long been abolished. That was work for free and get abused. Is that what we are trying to bring back. the airlines staff work for free however, did the passengers got a free flight. Where did the money go? Of course in the top guys pocket. taxes need to be cut and bail out given to the individual citizen not the top ranking executives.
Posted by: Steve | Jul 14, 2021 6:08:04 PM
Offer to work for free and then file your work related disability claim !
Woo hoo ! Two weeks of work for two years of disability, that should cover the mortgage till the economy recovers. Wonder how long it takes stupid greedy employers to figure this future scam out?
Posted by: Rich | Jul 14, 2021 9:08:55 PM
I'm doing placement work as food service worker FWS.Its free and i paid for the opportunity to gain experiance.Im not sure if it was money well spent.Time will tell if the on the job work skills pan out to gainful employment.