Reader react: Bell has the worst customer service in Canada
Kudos to all our MSN readers for their performance Thursday when prompted with the one question that might make even the most timid consumer boil over: who has the worst customer service in Canada?
Thanks to you guys, we got several hundred replies (and God knows how many more opinions went uncharted) in this space and were able to come away with a neat little sociological study on the perils of modern-day commerce.
And if we can use three words to sum up Canadian sentiment toward bad customer service, it’s this – Bell stands alone.
Yes, Bell came through with a Mel Gibson-like performance in reader comments Thursday, taking far and away the majority of pissed-off consumer reaction to our post, Who has the worst customer service in Canada?
As of press time, a staggering 36 per cent of Everydaymoney commenters singled out Bell as having the most terrible, awful, horrifying consumer relations in all of the country.
Rogers came in second (13 per cent), Telus third (seven per cent), while an amalgam of hated government programs (just under seven per cent) and Air Canada (six per cent) rounded out the top five.
Now, think about these stats for a second. Unprompted, MSN readers pooled together and insisted on lambasting Bell, which has obviously earned its reputation as the company Canadians hate most. And 36 per cent saying Bell has the worst customer service shouldn’t be confused as a small percentage; that’s just the number of people who think it’s the absolute poorest. There’s a good chance the remaining 64 per cent of readers think it sucks, too, but just hate someone else’s customer service a tad bit more.
In any case, other notable vote getters included Sears, Walmart and Canadian Tire (Santa Claus even got one reader’s ire), but there’s no mistaking whose show this was.
“BELL! I used to work for those morons!” said reader Steve. “I would get no less than 15 calls a day about people getting crap added to their service without their consent … when you call Bell for ANY problem, take it from me, they ARE NOT there to help you. They are there to sell you crap you don’t need.”
Adds fellow commenter, Mark: Bell is “by far the worst customer service ever. I really like when they talk about customer loyalty, then try to shaft you in no time. Service reps must be programmed to hose the consumer. Happy to be rid of them!”
What do you think? Do you share Mark, Steve and the other hundreds who claim Bell is, indeed, the worst? Does Bell have the poorest customer service in Canada?
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Pauline | Aug 9, 2021 8:24:36 PM
Our service for cell phone changed from Aliant to Bell it was the worst thing possible when my contract is up I will be going to someone else I was with Aliant for 15 years with exceptional service but Bell service is not even comparable.They can never answer your questions there are charges galore and then they can't explain why.Go elsewhere if you can.
Posted by: dja | Aug 9, 2021 10:30:02 PM
Most people dont know this but Bell customer service reps dont actually work for Bell Canada. These jobs are all outsourced to companies like Startek, which handles Ontario calls. Yes Startek employees are overworked and underpaid and they have to meet sales "quotas". The call centers are still in Ontario (for now), except 611 repair which is in India. Startek itself is an AMERICAN company with headquarters in DENVER, COLORADO. And you want to know where the profits are going?????????
Posted by: j harrold | Aug 10, 2021 12:09:27 PM
I purchased a 3 year contract and got a phone only the phone quit working 11months later I went to bell up north they told me there was nothing they could do about it I had to take back to where I purchase it, mean while I had to purchase another phone. when I got back to castlegar the year was up and they told there was nothing they could do about it but the contract was still there for 2 years
Posted by: Dan | Aug 10, 2021 2:04:09 PM
I have hated Bell for their absolutely crappy service for a lot of years, then I finally switched to Primus and now feel I am getting my moneys worth. Bell keeps trying to get me back but when I compare the prices that they want to offer I just laugh at them, they don't even come close to what I am paying now for the full service package at Primus. Those Losers who keep Bell are just asking to be cornholed.
Posted by: sandy | Aug 10, 2021 2:06:40 PM
Bell is by far the worst, starting with sympatico for internet then on to phone and television. i cancelled everything with them. they continuously call trying to get me to switch back. They asked what services i used my phone for, i told them plus long distance of approx 100 minutes per month to canada and orlando, new york, she asked me where orlando was located? &&&&*(!!^#!, then came back with a package built just for me with 1000 canadian long distance minutes included. All 3 services only 112 per month. when i asked about the US calls i make, she put me on hold, came back and increased it to 1500 north american minutes per month and quoted me 40 per month reg 60. but nothing for internet or television. I simply told her they obviously did not know what they were doing and hung up. this was after approx 30 minutes of my time. Why do they even bother? Also how is Bell even still in business. When i did have my phone with them i was paying 60.00 per month. i was looking on line and found it should only be 34.95, when i called and asked they said oh yes it is 34.95, but we do not automatically amend your rate. So to all people still with bell, check on line what your service cost and you will likely find you are paying too much and they do not have the honesty to tell you.
Posted by: Paddy F | Aug 10, 2021 4:14:34 PM
thank God I steal their signal instead of giving them money
Posted by: Zionist media control | Aug 12, 2021 2:18:48 PM
Bell SUCKS, but Roger's isn't any better. When you have virtual monopolies, that's what happens.
Posted by: CHA$E | Aug 14, 2021 11:08:58 AM
I have to say I am a Bell-Mobility CSR and I find 99% of customers extremely irritating and stupid. All you people ever want are credits, discounts and promotions because you don't want to own up to your bills. You make me sick.... And if you don't want credits you want exceptions or to complain about policies. You want to know something on my own time i made a list of the best points in the Terms and Conditions. I live to argue with customers now, it really boosts me when someone wants to argue with me and i destroy them... also i am thankfully blessed with the best supervisor ever, she never gives into customer demands so my reiterations of policy and denial of credits are the bottom line if you reach me.... and don't think I don't keep your number for a few days to keep an eye on you.... But out of ALL of that my favorite thing to do is when someone says " I am never doing business with bell again and you have terrible service " and I reply with " Excellent! Was there anything else I could before I release the call? " .... What I'm really trying to say is CUSTOMERS are the problem with customer service.... There's the flip side people.
Posted by: Cliff Fuerst | Aug 16, 2021 1:34:18 PM
I have had relatively good luck with Bell. They didn't charge me when I cut one of the phone lines coming into the house. I complained about a computer generated phone call(according to info on my computer) continually comiing in a 1 A and they appeared to have stopped that.. My worst service has been with Canadian Tire who told me that they didn't want me to continue to use their store when I complained about bad service when I threatened to stop using their store because of this poor service. This actually has saved me plenty of cash as I was a sucker for their phony sales(in my opinion). I now have to shop in stores that are American owned(much to my chagrin), like Walmart.
Posted by: ki | Aug 17, 2021 10:48:37 PM
the worst customer service..took my phone in under warranty for repair, stiil waiting 6 weeks later, bell doesn't seem to know or even care.their reps at fairview mall store are lazy and al they do best is fingerpointing. Once you sign a contract buyer beware.they have your $ and then good luck getting any service.
Posted by: bell blows | Sep 8, 2021 11:07:16 PM
CHA$E is a perfect example of bells service wow when u have people like that working for you what can u expect