Will Wal-Mart's banking push into Canada succeed?
Newly-licensed Wal-Mart Canada Bank may have started out with a rewards MasterCard this week, but the low-price retailing giant is really setting its sights on the big banks’ hold on other products such as loans and mortgages.
Good luck with that.
Canadian Tire tried the same thing but ending up selling its struggling mortgage portfolio to the National Bank last year. And Citbank just abandoned the Canadian mortgage business as well.
And while brands like President's Choice and ING do have a sliver of market share, it's going to be an uphill climb for the often-crticized discounter, despite its 318 stores and a deserved reputation as a category killer in other areas.
Nonetheless, the discounter’s low-cost business model could provide new competition to other major players. And its initial card offering is just a bit different from other popular rewards programs.
Shoppers can earn rewards equivalent to 1% of the value of a purchase anywhere MasterCard is accepted, with a .25% bonus of any purchase made at Wal-Mart itself.
In addition, there’s no annual fee, rewards are in dollars rather than points, and you can cash in your savings for purchases of as little as $5.
The Canadian credit card is also different from Wal-Mart’s Discover card in the U.S., which only allows up to 1% cash back on purchases. The U.S. card also uses a tiered rewards system, where total spending has to reach $3,000 in a year to receive the top tier.
Would you see yourself doing more business with Wal-Mart if it starts offering items like high-interest savings accounts and GICs, for instance?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: NL | Jun 17, 2021 3:30:27 PM
I would not bank at Walmart. I can see why they are getting into this industry. Look at google and google is taking every industry by storm. Pretty soon, I think google will decide who makes it and who don't if they won't let you advertise with them.
Posted by: Wal*Mart Bank...are you serious?!? | Jun 18, 2021 9:46:01 AM
You have got to be kidding me!! Wal*Mart is the absolute LAST company I would ever consider giving my hard earned dollars. Wemployment standards violation paperwork that could fill multiple warehouses, and a history of cutting the throats of suppliers in order to "rollback" their prices - no chance in hell. Wal*Mart needs to f*ck right off!
Small businesses, employee morale, a livable wage; Is there anything this greedy corporation doesn't destroy?
Reading some of the previous comments about banking fees and their resulting profits - if you don't like it; join a Credit Union. Otherwise stop complaining about the monthly $4.00 or so you have to pay to enjoy the convenience of writing cheques and using an ATM. If you want to withdraw money at 2:00am - then pay for the convenience of being able to do so!! Your other option is to get up off the couch and get to the bank before they close. It doesn't cost you anything to interact with a teller!!
Posted by: a.d. | Jun 18, 2021 1:15:47 PM
Bryan, you sound like a fucking idiot. Learn how to spell first of all. Secondly no wal-mart does not have to have their dirty effing hands in everything but in order to provide everyone with their ridiculously cheap prices they need to save money somehow. Wal-mart spends thousands just paying visa and mc everytime a customer uses this card at the store, so why not have their own mastercard and try and cut that expense so idiots like you can keep getting their everyday low prices.
Posted by: a.d. | Jun 18, 2021 1:24:18 PM
just so your aware leslie I work for walmart and those donations are not a scam. everything goes back to the charity and wal-mart is extremely involved in the community many times matching what has been raised and donating very large amounts themselves. If you were't aware of this already not everything you find on google is true. Everyone talks about how fucking greedy wal-mart is well what about shoppers drug mart who charges around 40% more on items that are EXACTLY the same as wal-mart just to increase their profit? Maybe some people can afford to throw away money but wal-mart is helping a hell of a lot of people who cant. and just so you know I make more money at wal-mart than tons of people do at very similar retail positions in these local business. Wal-mart does a hell of a lot for their employees and though the service may not be that fabulous they have to make budget cuts somewhere, so theres not always a store full of people at your beck and call. Get over it cuz your getting an amazing deal.
Posted by: HarryCarter | Jun 19, 2021 7:36:03 AM
if they could start a trend to lower interest charges on credit cards in Canada it would be nice to see but that will never happen........Wal-Mart should not be allowed to much leeway in Canada or we will be over run by the Yanks.!!!!!
Posted by: Hamilton guy | Jun 19, 2021 7:36:06 AM
I don't understand how so many people get ripped off from banks.
At TD Canada trust you can get the infinity account which gives you unlimited transactions. If you keep 3K in your account, the 12.95$ monthly fee is waived.
12.95 * 12 months = 155.40$
Take 155.40$ into 3,000 and you get a yearly return of 5.18%. Pretty damn good for me and this way I got an actual phsyical bank with cute tellers, and customer orientated managers open betweenen 8am and 8Pm on weekdays and 9-4 saturdays to action any concerns I could potentially have. and that is great peace of mind.
Posted by: alex | Jun 19, 2021 9:26:25 AM
Wal mart the customer service sucks at wal mart also why would I bank there they are just too greedy.
Posted by: jake | Jun 19, 2021 9:27:59 AM
I agree with those other people. Walmart hires untrained people off the streets and provide very little training and offers the least benefits to its hard working employees, they also promote young people with extremely little experience and manage the stores improperly due to lack of proper training.If you go to their customer service desk for refund the level of customer care is horrific.
Would you trust a teenage with 2 days of training to provide you with personal care of your financial information and maintain confidential with your personal and private financial data, while they are being paid minimum wage to do the job.... handling millions of dollars in personal line of credit.
It takes a no brainer to see that Walmart will poorly manage those information and also poorly discipline and manage their staff who handles such information as well.
Go Away Walmart Financial .....leave it in Mexico , Colombia or Cuba, not in North America.
Posted by: alex | Jun 19, 2021 9:32:32 AM
it is good to do some home work about mortgage rates and services fees Most banks charge . a flat fee for x amount of transactions per mounth if you need to use the banking machine use your bank so you do't have to pay .
Posted by: Richard | Jun 19, 2021 10:03:43 AM
Who are to judge Walmarts concept in banking as we have been held to what is the worlds bankers decission to keep their riches growing at rates much higher than those given out for borrowing our money just to lend it back to us nine to ten times higher.
Posted by: Frank White | Jun 19, 2021 10:23:02 AM
Stop lying and do your research the Wal-mart Mastercard charges 18.99% intrest if you don't believe go to your nearest store and inquire.
Posted by: Grace Chisholm | Jun 19, 2021 12:19:26 PM
Yes!. I worked with Wall*Mart for a short period. I worked very hard. I was fired at the end of my shift and I dont know the real reason up to now. No one really cares
Posted by: Grace Chisholm | Jun 19, 2021 12:38:07 PM
Talking about big Banks. The banks are racist. I have inside experience. If you have money they respect you. If you are living from pay checks to pay check you are treated as that number you are given. The banks used their back dated system to create extra service charge. For example: an automatice debit is due on the 21st of the month.The 21st falls on Monday. On the morning of monday you check is posted to your account and if your funds is not in the account the cheque is returned by mid-day. Even if you put the money in your account before mid- day, the cheque is returned and you are charged 42.50 and $30.00 or $50.00 by the individual. The banks are for the people with money and they get incentives from the banks while the less unfortunate pays the bills.
I have lots more issues about why the banks needs compitition. The banks and Insurance Companys are supported by the government and we all need to wake up. One more issue. The government claims that they want to help small business but the decision is left to the banks. The banks helps people with money not the poor person who has a dream and need a start. Maybe wall mart will be better since they know how to sell for poor people. I dont wear wall mart clothes but is would be nice to get some help from the banks to start a dream business
Posted by: Smokestack | Jun 19, 2021 2:12:46 PM
I'm ashamed I even read an article with the word WALMART in the header!!!!! Wouldn't leave a nickel in their stores, here or abroad. If you or someone you know is unemployed because the business closed/ went bankrupt or had slowdowns or if you didn't get a raise for a while and your business supports in any shape Walmart, directly or indirectly you can blame WALMART! Why would ANYONE shop where under 10% of the products they carry are sourced in the country they operate in. Governments should mandate that if you want to open shop in Canada you must have 70% Canadian made, sourced products. Operate in the USA - 70% American made, etc. You and only you can stop Walmart from success - abandon their stores! As far as them entereing into banking services may they enjoy the same success their Canadian Sam's Stores did............DAMN I HATE WALMART.........
Posted by: member | Jun 20, 2021 5:48:57 PM
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