Top 10 ways we waste money
By Gordon Powers, Sympatico / MSN Finance
When times are tight – as they are now for many Canadians facing layoffs, job loss, and rising food costs – people try harder to identify where their money is going and, more importantly, where it’s being wasted.
They borrow books from the library instead of buying, drop subscriptions to magazine they rarely read, ride their bikes, turn off the air conditioning when they’re out of the house, and eat out less. People are also delaying certain activities, such as haircuts or going to the beauty salon, which is why Wal-Mart's sales of hair colour products have jumped 18 per cent since the beginning of the year.
But is all this enough?
Sometimes the killers are big tickets items – for reader Liz G that meant buying an overpriced timeshare in Collingwood whereas for Esquao it’s a house that the family really couldn’t afford – but in many cases it’s simply smaller dumber purchases. For reader f36 that meant an $80 pair of shoes that went largely unworn and for Maiway it`s been all about paying hefty finance charges when buying furniture.
But don't lose hope. Ranging from traffic tickets to bank fees, here are 10 ways where even fairly smart people waste money and a few suggestions on how to avoid them, courtesy of the Consumerist. And the Simple Dollar offers its take on consumer products you can likely do without.
Chances are you either understand frugality or you don’t, says blogger FreefromBroke who maintains that the 'not so well to do’s' have several traits in common including little education, an obsession with gadgets and their early adoption, and, sadly, the financial planning skills of a seal.
His 25-item list is a pretty harsh indictment of the foolishly profligate but it also makes you think about just where all your money goes.
So, where have you gone wrong with your money recently?
Posted by: Inhritance tax Advice UK | Jun 5, 2021 6:49:18 AM
There are just so many complexities getting involved in any of the legal or financial matters in today’s world that getting proper help and advice is just so much required.
Posted by: sally | Jun 5, 2021 10:23:39 AM
It's easy to waste money if you are an envirowhore: buying CFL's that conk out early, buying expensive organic products and paying a big premium for all of it when in fact it is all just a scam on the gullible who listen to the fear-mongers-with-no-facts like Suzuki.
Posted by: jason | Jun 5, 2021 11:10:31 AM
whoa! sally, take a pill for a second.
it's okay to have your opinion on things like organic foods (for the most part, i wholeheartedly agree with you). however, don't attack david suzuki. he's no fear monger. he may use some scary words to illustrate the truth about our environment, yes, but he does so in order to make the average person understand what our governments don't want to tell us. he's the one individual that will tell the truth, not stephen harper or any of the other elected officials that don't want to change the status quo of their rule.
Posted by: FFB | Jun 5, 2021 11:22:31 AM
Budgeting and knowing what your expenses is key! A lot of people are looking at where their money is going which is great but many of the problems people face are because they haven't looked until now where the money went. In good times and bad we have to be aware of where our money is leaking to and make sure we have emergency funds available for those bad times. It's not always easy to do but it's a necessary exercise.
Posted by: sally | Jun 5, 2021 11:37:00 AM
Suzuki does not "tell us the truth about our environment". You have had the wool pulled over your eyes jason. He stamps his feet and runs out the door when asked hard, fact-based questions about his global warming scam because he cannot answer them. He uses fear-mongering language with no science to back it up. And it works.... on the gullible. He has gotten very rich from this fantasy he perpetuates and doesn't want his global-warming-gravy-train to end. Suzuki travels around in a deluxe bus with 4 or 5 people that could hold 35 passengers but he tells the rest of us peons to ride bicycles.
The sun affects our climate, not human activity. The earth had a "warming" period well before the Industrial Revolution, well before the first automobile was a gleam in someone's eye. CO2 makes plants and trees grow you duncecaps! Warmer temperatures, btw, are a GOOD thing. Crops grow! Duh! Civilization thrives in warmer climates.
Posted by: Billy | Jun 5, 2021 12:05:21 PM
Let's get back to the original question. The way we waste money is eating out, buying lottery tickets, drinking, and smoking. Also, look at your telephone, cell phone, internet, and cable packages. Do you really need call display? Do you use your cell phone in the house when you could use the land line? Do you watch that much TV that you need cable? Don't replace something just because you want a better one (eg., big-screen TV), wait until your current one breaks down. Finally, stainless steel appliances are just an expensive fad.
Posted by: Martin | Jun 5, 2021 12:13:14 PM
Let's do what "everybody else" is doing. Jump in your SUV and race between the traffic lights to ensure the future of our existence is for the pocketbook and not civilization. This mess is about us and our garbage we have begun to realize is being overproduced and imported also. When real estate is used for clutter and furnishings and not for sustainability, we we will be gobbled up by those in favor of sustainability. William Golding's "Lord of the flies" happens to symbolize the fate of the inhabitants of Easter Island also. No amount of show business making us "stars" is needed to make us wake up. For most of the world it simply means competitive survival NOW, with or without a conscience.
Posted by: Bob | Jun 5, 2021 12:30:44 PM
Dear Sally,
Your comments are ficticious, with little to no merit. I would say you are angry because his explanations of the world around you are clear and you just aren't educated enough about how the biosphere operates, only the economy. You are unable to come to terms with the facts around you and you lash out at David Suzuki because you simply don't know the answer. Warmer temperatures don't mean good things, but it is presumptive to assume they are always bad. The Earth is constantly changing, but the difference with this problem is that humans have accelerated the process far beyond natural patterns. We are an intelligent civilization with the capabilities to solve these problems, but not if they happen at the speed they are on pace to do. Also global warming is only one of a bevy of problems that needs to be addressed today. Take for example the ridiculous concentrations we are reaching of CO2 in the atmosphere. It not only contributes to the greenhouse effect but we can't forget that CO2 is a reactive chemical compound as well. It reacts with water in the atmosphere to produce carbonic acid and contribute to acid rain. Remember with every action there are consequences, so next time maybe don't lash out and criticize what you don't understand.
Posted by: sally | Jun 5, 2021 1:27:05 PM
Oh, do tell. How does "the bioshpere operate"? LOL.
This subject IS on topic. How does paying for your plastic grocery bags at the store saving money? Don't you see? Climate change, green this, green that, it is all money-wasting hype. Don't BUY into it. Enjoy the advances of civilization. Do you really think that society was meant to go backward as the envirowhores tell us (while living in their mansions)? Celebrate the Industrial Revolution. Humans are good, not some evil species like Gore and Suzuki want their sheep to believe.
"Global warming" is not a "problem." It's called "weather." Just as acid rain turned out to be fictitious, so will climate change.
Just look at your own language. It's all the stuff of scare tactics. Bring on the CO2! It's good for my garden.
I love my SUV, my wide-screen tv and my stainless appliances. The envirowhores want to take us back to the stone age because of the guilt complex that the lamescream media feeds all you gullible little sheep. Suzuki is laughing at you on his way to the bank in a vehicle bigger than the largest gas-guzzling SUV that any of us peasants drive.
Of your so-called "Dr." Suzuki, real DR. Tim Ball had this to say about him: "Suzuki's ignorance of fundamental science is breathtaking. For example, he wrote an article on his website asserting and has often told audiences, "It's been estimated that as many as three species go extinct every hour." This would mean that he is claiming that 72 species a day, 504 a week and 26,208 a year are disappearing. WHEN GREENPEACE FOUNDER PATRICK MOORE AND I ASK HIM TO NAME THESE DISAPPEARING SPECIES, SUZUKI IS UNABLE."
LOL! What a joke Suzuki is.
Posted by: Tina June 5th | Jun 5, 2021 1:29:53 PM
Has war beome environmentally friendly yet and do we credit homeless people with carbon neutral credits? What if theres no enemy and we celabrate urban camping. Getting down may twist to getting Up.
Posted by: sally | Jun 5, 2021 1:31:38 PM
Just look at the nuts who voted FOR paying for grocery bags on todays survey. These people are saying "yes, charge me money for something which I heretofore did not pay for." This is how ridiculous the environmental movement has become.
Spend wisely and save for a rainy day. Live within your means. That is my advice. Other than that, enjoy your life. We weren't put here on this earth to be miserable or to live in a cave. Enjoy your blessings and toss out the guilt that the envirowhores want you to feel. They are free to be idiots but they don't need to dictate to the rest of us how to live our lives.
Posted by: joni | Jun 5, 2021 1:41:36 PM
Sally,,, I can only tell you bluntly... you are a fool. But,,, never fear, for you are not alone. There are alot of 'Sallys' out there that refuse to believe the facts. Why, just look at the prepostorous idea that the earth was indeed round and not flat like popular belief dictated. lol
David Suzuki is only trying to *help* the planet, not get 'rich' off of it like you're implying. I guess you think that Al Gore is a 'fear-mongerer' too, huh? Get your head out of the sand.
BTW, warmer temperatures are NOT a 'good thing' like you stated. It is detrimental to our sea levels (eg: everyone living in Florida), dries up water supplies, messes up fish and their spawning habits, can change locations of ravaging insects and disease, not to mention what warmer temps are ALREADY doing to our polar and Greenland icecaps.
With your attitude I hope that you don't live on a waterfront property; if so, you'd better learn all about scuba quickly!
WTG Jason & Bob.
Posted by: Concerned... | Jun 5, 2021 1:57:37 PM
Sally, I do agree with some of what you say. I am well educated in the field of Agriculture. What you say about David Suzuki is mostly true. I don't know how many times we had to sit through "The Nature of Things with Davis Suzuki" and then write paper afer paper about what we saw. The only thing I saw was a man trying to make a point that had to back peddle in his own TV show because he contridicts himself. For the most part conventional farming is just as safe as organic farming, but there are certain products, like bananas, sugar, coffee and such, that it is better to buy organic. That is not a waste of money. I do agree with your comments about Dr. Tim Ball. I have had the privilege to attend one of his lectures on climate change. I whole heartedly believe that climate change is a cycle and it will occur no matter what we do but that does not make us less responsible for the loss of habitat for the animals and the non-biodegradable garbage at the landfill. It was very enlightening. However, certain SUVs, Stainless appliances, and trinkets with no purpose other than to decorate are a waste of money. Anything that you don't really need but want to have is a waste of money and that truely is the topic of this blog... Wasting Money.
Posted by: sally | Jun 5, 2021 1:59:30 PM
Yes, Al Gore, FYI, left all his lights on during earth hour and is indeed getting rich off of envirofools with his fictional movie and his carbon credit company scam. He too, like Suzuki, wants us all to ride bicycles while he rides in a fat limo and jets around the world talking about global warming. Do you not see any irony in that? Suzuki is fact-challenged. He attempts to scare people into believing his unproven hype and people make him all the richer by believing it by using his scare-mongering imagery. He stormed out of a radio show when he was asked to provide one fact - he couldn't so he had a hissy fit instead. Suzuki is an intolerant fanatic. Check out the Climate Change Fraud website for more info and get your heads out of the sand. Stop being Suzuki's sheep.
Arctic sea ice has been increasing, not decreasing. We just had the coldest winter in 10 years. Try reading some real science. When CO2 levels drop, so does plant life. Just look at your nonsense Joni. You say that increased CO2 will cause rising sea levels and in the same breath you say that it dries up water supplies. What proof do you have that increased CO2 is detrimental? You have none. The opposite is true. During pre-Industrial revolution periods, when there has been a CO2 DROUGHT, plant and animal life die. Get an education dear. Turn off the CBC and cancel your Toronto Red Star subscription.
Posted by: sally | Jun 5, 2021 2:05:41 PM
Thank you Concerned but it is NOT wasting money to have stainless appliances if you can afford them and want them. To each his own. That is what freedom is alll about. The envirowhores don't want you to have freedom, they want to control and dictate and waste taxpayer money.
$8.00 for a pound of organic butter? Forget it. Don't be a fool people. As for plastic water bottles and such: plastic came from the earth and it will one day return to the earth. Plastic did not appear out of thin air.
Concerned, you are wise to see through the idiocy of Suzuki! More people need to see that he is only scamming us.
Posted by: p f | Jun 5, 2021 2:25:04 PM
hey Sally - go take a swim in the Alberta tailing ponds and then come back and talk to me - the carbon credits crap is fraud - that's why theLiberal didn't win - who are the sheep? Regardless of the consequences; westerners are just over consuming - that's the main issue - you need to come out of the box you made for yourself to live in!
Posted by: joni | Jun 5, 2021 2:52:01 PM
So,, artic sea ice is *increasing* is it?
It that why for the very FIRST TIME in the world's l-o-n-g marine history they are looking at being able to navigate the Northern Passage? So far all the marine traffic from Asia had to travel south through the Panama Canal to travel to Europe and North America.
Funny,,, I guess that means that the arctic sea ice is actually *melting*,,, mmm,, where do you get your 'facts' Sally? Scientists are now saying that if *only* the Greenland ice sheet melts away (as it is doing right NOW at an alarming and unprecidented rate) the world's sea levels will rise by several feet. This will be catastrophic to cities built on or near the sea ~ which includes most of the world's large cities as they're commonly built on or near ports.
I happen to live in northern BC and the wiinters here are getting markedly warmer. Whereas it used to be snowing and extremely cold before mid-October, last year it was above zero here until December 2nd. Mmmm,,, guess it wasn't actually the coldest year in 10 years.
Also, I studied horticulture in college and have worked in that profession since 1975. I believe that you're the one who needs an education. I was taught that plants absorb CO2 during the day, and Oxygen during the night. That is where the plant tip about breathing on your plants comes from as, yes, they will absorb a little of the CO2 from your breath. But they still require Oxygen and in a polluted, CO2-heavy atmosphere they will not flourish and could suffer as they (like us) can only filter out so much pollution before being negatively affected.
And,, what you labeled as my *nonsense* was referring to the added Polar melting causing *sea levels* to rise, while drying up *land-based FRESH water supplies* due to sudden rises in air temperature which effects the weather, casuing quicker evaporation and recurring drought.
Can you not fathom the difference between fresh and salt water? Scientists are now looking at large-scale desalination systems to be able to utilize sea water for drinking water as it becomes scarce as the earth heats up due to global warming. Do you think that governements spending huge amounts of money searching for future fresh water supplies is done without reason?
And, as far as 'proof' that CO2 is detrimental, try breathing just that without any Oxygen and see what pretty shades of blue you'll turn. Plants and animals *produce* CO2 so they won't die from a 'CO2 drought'. It is only the animal called *man* that interupts with the natural order of things and pollutes out planet to the point where it suffers.
I will say one thing for you, Sally. You certainly do stick stubbornly to your beliefs ~ whether they be right or wrong. I only hope that one day soon the 'Sallys' of the world will open their eyes before it's too late. I want to leave the world a better place for my grandchildren.
Posted by: sally | Jun 5, 2021 3:09:57 PM
It was indeed the coldest winter in 10 years.
Westerners are "over" consuming? Consuming what? Food, clothing, shelter, driving cars? I doubt it. That is what the envirowhores want though - they want YOU to stop consuming, ride a bicycle and live in a cave and they pile their guilt tactics on you to convince you to do it. Bring on the tar sands! There is enough petroleum to last us more than 1,000 years in the ground, despite what the envirowhacko's will tell you. Ask anyone with any knowledge of the oil business. Likewise, ask anyone in the farming community about global warming. They will tell you what utter nonsense it is. For the most part, it is the urbanites who buy into this green crap.
Yes, joni, Arctic sea ice is increasing. Even the climate change crowd had to capitulate on that fact. Why do you think they have to keep changing their terminology? Instead of "global warming" they've switched to "climate change". LOL! Joni you are proof that the envirowacko's are hateful of humanity: you just stated that " It is only the animal called *man* that interupts with the natural order of things and pollutes out planet to the point where it suffers." That is exactly what environmentalism is based on: hating humanity but worshipping earth. It "feels good to do something green" is what people like you say. That's because the greenie movement is ALL about "feelings" and has absolutely nothing to do with science-based fact.
Here's one to show you that Antartic sea ice ALSO, is increasing by 100,000 square kilometers per decade for the last 30 years:
Not that you will actually read it joni.
Oh no! The polar bears are going to freeze to death now! LOL!
Posted by: rr | Jun 5, 2021 3:25:36 PM
this is getting good
Posted by: sally | Jun 5, 2021 3:27:44 PM
For joni and anyone else who won't bother to read REAL science, here is a quote from the above link by an ACTUAL CLIMATOLOGIST: "As Climatologist Patrick J. Michaels points out, this effectively means that “there is no scientifically credible model for future warming.”
Al Fatty Gore is NOTa scientist or a climatologist. Nor is your beloved fake scientist David Suzuki.
Hockey stick graphs = junk science.