Canadians not the only ones peeved over 'Buy American'
By Jason Buckland, Sympatico / MSN Finance
In the grand scheme of the world’s economy, Canadians are a little like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.
We’re cute, we’re cuddly, and we seem to do everything right. But we do NOT take rejection well.
Such was the case in recent days when the now-infamous Buy American strategy reared its head from the U.S., effectively choking off the chance any of the near-$800-billion stimulus package might make its way into the hands of Canadian business.
What’s transpired since hasn’t exactly blown anyone away. Detractors of the Buy American strategy, like Liberal head Michael Ignatieff, have warned of the policy’s threat to destroy the Canada-U.S. trading relationship. Stockwell Day is also irked.
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) even voted in a retaliatory “Buy Canadian” resolution that would – not unlike the Buy American strategy – aim to shut out U.S. bidders from a shot at local city contracts. The FCM will now give the Canadian government 120-days to find a fix to the issue before instituting the resolution, it said Saturday.
But while Canada is (perhaps rightfully) pissed, the ripples of the controversial U.S. strategy are being felt far and wide.
Japan and Singapore, other major U.S. trading partners, have begun expressing their distaste with the Buy American movement, warning it could “beget other actions and then cause the situation to snowball in the wrong direction.”
Singapore’s trade minister has even started to wonder the legality of the move, suggesting that shutting out global trade partners only exploits “gray areas” in world trade rules. (Canada, the U.S. and Mexico are part of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which prohibits discrimination when considering, for example, international manufacturing contracts).
Of course, all this makes you wonder one thing: who’s really in the wrong here? If it’s indeed the U.S., it’s certainly hard to tear down a country for trying to jumpstart its own economy by encouraging spending from within. We’d surely do the same thing if we thought it would work, wouldn’t we?
Yet maybe the U.S. can’t simply look out for no. 1, after all. Maybe they need to heed a higher level of trade responsibility when they know full well the rest of the world lies at the mercy of the peaks and valleys of their massive economy.
Sure seems like that’s the standard we want to hold them to, anyway.
Posted by: petey | Jun 9, 2021 9:35:47 AM
Why is anyone surprised ?, it's typical of the US trade policies, they don't give a dam about anybody. Trade pact or not they'll do whatever they want. Canada needs to move towards other growing markets and build new partnerships, i.e Europe, S.A., Asia etc.
Posted by: Shelley | Jun 9, 2021 9:56:47 AM
Too little too late I think. I remember as a kid growing up in the 60's & 70's my wise old Grandmother telling me back then to buy Cdn products, that the influx of items from (back then) Japan, were inferior and possibly unsafe. That we should keep our fellow Cdns employed and buy as much local as we can. We routinely shopped at the local farmers markets, clothing was purchased from local shops, services from down the street , bread and milk were locally farmed. The area I grew up in was once renowned for its textiles, not a single factory is left. The great Arrow shirt company, anyone remember them? I have had this preached to me all my life but sadly the great dollar speaks louder and you buy what you can afford or where you can save the most money. If only we knew the long term consequences of our actions. I'm sure if we knew back then we would all have gladly paid a bit more to ensure quality & safety as well as keeping Cdns employed.... Can we reverse the damage? Not likely... But I am trying, one purchase at a time.
Posted by: J. Wayne Tannahill | Jun 9, 2021 10:32:57 AM
I am not angry with their policy. If Canadian Taxpayers are bailing out Canadian cities with tax dollars, we would be angry as H--L if the cities bought U. S. manufactured goods or anywhere else.
We have got to start buying locally and Canadian and get our plants up and running. Keep our dollars in canada.
Posted by: Randy | Jun 9, 2021 10:46:33 AM
I want to say that I agree with Shelley and her position that we need to get back to purchasing local. I try to buy Canadian whenever possible... have a Canadian made BBQ and coffee pot and try to purchase Canadian made garments where possible. I drive a Canadian made truck (GMC) but will not be able to replace it as they are no longer built here... a shame. A good many items coming from China end up in a landfill within days of purchase but seldom hear Green community talking about this problem. Made in Canada does matter not only economically, but environmentally. I am starting to complain to store managers etc. about the lack of Canadian made goods. We should at least have more of a choice rather than having almost everything made outside Canada shoved down our throat!
Posted by: Erin | Jun 9, 2021 11:06:37 AM
I believe in buying Canadian, or I did until I learned that products can be incorrectly labeled as product of Canada even though it's only the packaging that may be "from" Canada.
Posted by: Doug Dechert | Jun 9, 2021 11:19:30 AM
It is not only the "Buy American" plan that furiates me, it is the amount of consumer goods that are coming in from Asia. Like "Keep the Asians Working". When are Canadians going to wake up and BUY Canadian products, perhaps then Canadian Manufacturers will begin to produce more and then they will be able to hire more. As long as Canadians BUY off shore goods, jobs here will be lost.
Posted by: Chris | Jun 9, 2021 11:38:58 AM
I recently heard that if all the countries in the world started a buy only at home policy we would be sent spiralling down into a depression worse than the great depression of years gone by. So what do we do? Well I believe were already there for many people and many others are on the brink of ruin, so yes buy locally and help your neighbours as much as possible, whenever possible! It'll be hard though, the Americans and Japan have bought out most of the Canadian business's that we had, and Spanish control our only "Canadian" toll highway, Kinda looks like we're being absorded, I what nationallity we'll be when it's all over? Well lets sit back and drink a good Canadian Beer, like Molson Canadian.... ooops, sorry, that's not even Canadian any more!
Help your neighbours, Help your friends, Help other Canadians, Or we won't be here much longer!!!
Posted by: Paul S | Jun 9, 2021 11:47:44 AM
WELL, I have been buying the best for the cheapest price,guilty as charged.We have NAFTA which only works,it seems if the USA agrees,they seem to shamlessly CHEAT whenever they seem fit,and without penalties.NAFTA for me gave the right to CDN companies to fire CDNS and open up shop in MEXICO ,like BRP (my ex-employer)they now make the 4 wheelers and Outboard motors(Johnson-EVINRUDE )remember them ? In 1995 if I could get 6.5 Mex pesos for my CDN dollar I was happy,you can now get 12 Mex pesos.They build those machines for nothing,then ship them back here and sell them to us in US & CDN $ and then re-invest in MEX.The big wheels get paid in US or CDN $ and live like Kings & Queens,This is after transferring 1000 jobs out of Canada (VALCOURT,QC)and they STILL get grants from the CHarest Gov to build an R & D facility in Valcourt.
Buy CANADIAN ,what for ? CROCS did the same thing "made in China " I buy them "ON SALE " in the US for $ 9.99 .Mulroney's NAFTA probably made him rich too,but it certainly looked good at first didn't
it ? When our dollar to PAR I bought a new DODGE SPRINTER and saved $20,000.00 but the good ole boys at DODGE took away my warranty (you see, they want to make that $20, just shipping it across the lines)NAFTA, WHERE WERE YOU ?? I hope they ALL loose their jobs,and start over.Especially top managment.Buy Canadian ? sure, if the quality is in at a fair price,and the companies do not take US for a ride.Penalize companies who terminated workers here to open up in low-cost countries.Ever wonder what would happen if they ALL did that,what will be left here for us ?Ok ! pensions,RSP's and of course Welfare, but where would the money come from ?
Posted by: Warren B | Jun 9, 2021 12:32:03 PM
No NAFTA and Free Trade never looked good, take a look around the world people the Americans are not disliked so much by the rest of the world because they are so giving!!! It is all about their greed. We have had in the past, leaders that were short sighted and just as greedy (personal) that the country was sold out. We could stand by and watch it happen again or we could let the leaders of OUR country that we are Canadian and will remain so no matter what. So think long term and tell the Americans and giant oil companys to take a flying leap.
Posted by: Paul S | Jun 9, 2021 12:35:44 PM
Maybe we should change our political system : from the people,for the people,by the people .I don't remember who said that,but what" people" are we talking about ?
It's like : in order to" save" the company we (BBD) have decided to sell BRP.And later : in order to "save" the company (BRP) we have decided to transfer our 4-wheel assembly-lines to Mexico.
Ever wonder WHO is "the company" ? Other than the #1 up there,saving HIS ..s .It certainly is not the assembly-line workers sacrificed for the cause,they are " expendable" allowable casulties.We did not have a union. In Europe the "LAW" is such that you can NOT do that without heavy penalties and golden parachutes for even the floor sweeper.In Canada : PAS DE PROBLEM.Why did not NAFTA provide for that ? Because the PEOPLE really had no say .The CEO's did.Unions are no good for this,when the moment comes they are in bed with #1.Check it out.Buy Canadian !
Posted by: Ingrid | Jun 9, 2021 12:55:50 PM
For me the issue isn't only the buy Canadian, it's the fact that it's down near impossible not to buy Chinese or Idia. They have a monopoly on manufacturing with no one to answer to envronmentally and otherwise. Another issue is, that there were attempts to bring developing nations up to our level yet, I can see that we'll be brought to their level with nothing but minimum wage jobs left. Even the service industry is located overseas. Anyone ever try to get an english speaking person on the phone? It once took me more than a month to get an issue resolved because of misunderstandings in the language.
I do believe manufacturing needs to come back to Canada and the US. I believe the US has a bit of a knee jerk reaction going on. We often RV througout the US and have way more patriotic signs up in their windows on front lawns and in RV parks. Yet, what are they driving........that's when they lose their national pride. I don't care whether some of these foreign car companies are assembled here or not as their profits still go back to their country who do not allow trade in reverse. That to me is dispicable.
The only fear I have is that retaliation protectionism could cause a depression and worsen things. This problem with China should have been nipped in the ...... a long time ago. Now they are ever so powerful. This free trade really did a lot of companies in and had no choice but to go to China. What about fair trade.
Posted by: Linda | Jun 9, 2021 1:21:03 PM
i am now buying Canadian made wherever possible even if it is slightly more in price It is amazing when you read the labels . This includes food.
Posted by: John Campbell | Jun 9, 2021 1:28:23 PM
I am at a loss to understand why we sell so many souvenirs of Canada made in China. The dollar store is bogged down with Canadian flags and souveniers made in China at the present time. No matter what we buy it appears to have been made in China. Can we not open our eyes and see where this is leading our country. Our own Government as well purchases pins etc: made in China not Canada without giving it a second thought. The manufacturing industry continues to shop from China and Mexaco to increase their profits, while laying off Canadian people that they expect to purchase all these items. Most likely with unemployment benefits or welfare benefits. We need to realize our children and grandchildren are the ones that will feel the effects of our choices.
Posted by: Fred | Jun 9, 2021 1:45:01 PM
Well, Well, who's right who's wrong. Or does it matter? I've just digested the lattest GM ADS. WHAT CRAP "we're re-inventing GM - leaner & stronger". Sounds like mad cow to me. I really think the people in both Canada & the USA should be very careful about trade agreements, both here and internationally. After all if the car making industry is to employ people who pay taxes and stimulate our economy - SOME BODY, NO ALOT OF SOME BODYS GOT TO BUY GM PRODUCTS, PISS EVERYONE OFF AND I THINK YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. i think you all can imagine the big picture here.AND THEN WE MAY RETURN TO THE DIRTY 30'S , AND THE SOUP & BREAD LINES WON'T BE OLD PHOTOS.
Posted by: stew jeppesen | Jun 9, 2021 1:55:45 PM
I continually read labels and try to purchase items specifically that are NOT made in China. Most times it is impossible. The items on the shelf most times are ONLY made in China, despite English sounding brand names. But as most of us do, I simply break down and buy it anyway. Pathetic. People in this country have no problem protesting against the seal hunt or a family man who sells fois gras at his restaurant who are just trying to make a living, yet they are too cowardly to stand up against the real threats to society. ie: oil companies, corrupt government officials and law makers.
Posted by: Baz | Jun 9, 2021 2:09:04 PM
I wish someone would produce a list of the states & cities which have implemented the "buy American" policy. I think the least we could do is boycott travel to these places & perhaps send a letter to their Governor’s or Mayor's explaining why.
Posted by: Jim Veinot | Jun 9, 2021 2:20:34 PM
It wasn't too long ago that we were talking to China about buying our oil; maybe those talks need to resume? The USA seems to swallow their own advertizing rhetoric and forget that Canada, not OPEC, is the largest supplier of their offshore oil. By the way, Mexico is next. So, why alienate the poeple who supply your lifeblood?? Of course, these are Americans; if they want it bad enough they'll just take it.
Posted by: george lessard | Jun 9, 2021 2:29:46 PM
If the U.S. wants to promote harmony in the global network they might consider behaving like parents concerned about their children, they like to see themselves as promoters of LIFE,LIBERTY,and Happiness then they should consider consider being more supportive of their proteges,being they view themselves as parents, they could begin bahaving like such and provide first for their offspring thereby guarenting their own future thru propagation.
Posted by: Sir Richard | Jun 9, 2021 2:39:41 PM
Every one north of the border, wake up. There is no real free-trade and there never will be. That is a fact...... must yanks, if they can find Canada on the map, look upon Canadians as nothing more than hewers of wood and drawers of water; we are nothing more to them than a source of abundant and inexpensive raw resources. Fortunately, they do not have their dirty paws on our fresh water.... not yet. And yet they openly expect they will be allowed to build drainage canals from the far north to their dry locales in Arizona, California and so on, without even asking if we would mind. No wonder they remain disliked here.
We have no one but ourselves to blame for our economic woes and loss of multi-generational manufacturing firms. Our grand parents going back to the thirties saw no alarm in allowing our Canadian firms to be bought by the yanks. Our grand parents honestly felt the firms would continue to operate, here in Canada, and everyone would retain their jobs. But look at what has happended over the last fifty years.... our businesses have been bought out by the yanks for their almighty dollars, our companies have been shuttered and workers have lost their jobs; companies have been moved to south of the border never to be seen or heard from again; world famous patents have been sold off along with the companies and royalties are no longer being paid to Canadians; company pensions have gone south never to be cashed in by the Canadaian workers as they have disappeared; Canadians continue to buy from american sources by shuffling off to Buffalo and then boast about the savings they earned; the box stores continue to move up here and put family businesses out of business and yet, Canadians still buy from these stores.
Need I say more? Canadians are simply too lazy and not smart enough to compete on a free trade basis with the yanks. The yanks know that, unfortunately. O, Canada. What a pity.
Posted by: Jenny | Jun 9, 2021 3:29:16 PM
I think Canada needs to invest some of those "Stimulus" dollars into value adding. We are primarily an exporting Nation and must import a lot of our goods. If we have the investment of value adding our raw products, i.e. Lumber, grains, livestock, and so forth. We would be much more prepared to buy locally and have a higher value export. It would help to provide the much needed advantage over the "buy American" movement, but only if our dollar stays below the american dollar.