Is your job high-stress, low-pay?
There is no more strangely satisfying human convention than complaining about your job.
Why else would we get work if we couldn’t whine about it? It has become our rite of passage.
A roofer, for example, knows what he’s getting into when he signs up. But he continues to tolerate the back-breaking labour because – on some level – he knows he’s got a leg-up in any “My Job Sucks” talk at the local coffee shop. That isn’t the only reason he stays being a roofer, but it sure helps.
So, under that premise, it might be useful if someone would quantify which jobs were the worst. Like, a list you could point to and say, “You know, Sally, I realize things aren’t so great at the local blood clinic. But I’m a grocery store stock boy. And as you can see here, I’ll be the authority on bitching in this argument, thank you very much.”
Has CNN Money made that list?
The news site just unveiled its highest stress/lowest pay jobs rundown, a top 15 that’s sure to get people bickering at each other. You can check it out here, but the frontrunners are as follows:
-Social worker
-Special events coordinator
-Probation officer
-News reporter
-Music ministry director
-Membership manager
-Commercial photographer
-Assisted living director
-Marriage/family therapist
-Substance abuse counsellor
-Film/TV producer
-High school teacher
See your gig on there? If not, there’s probably the job of someone you know listed above … and the high stress/low pay shoe likely fits. They all seem to be valid entries.
What the list fails to include are labour jobs, like the make-believe roofer I mentioned at the top of this post. Work like that isn’t a walk in the park, by any stretch.
What jobs would you add to the list? Are there objections from anyone who’s one of the listed occupations above? Let us know your thoughts.
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Derek | Nov 10, 2021 4:10:27 PM
Smitty, I don't like kids...which is why I don't have any and why I wouldn't want to be a teacher. In response to your questions, I don't get paid for overtime at my job (and I often work weekends). My job does require a university degree in addition to other certifications. And while I do feel the education of future generations is important, I don't believe teachers should be on the list of "high stress, low pay" jobs considering the benefits they receive such as an indexed pension and more time off than most other professions.
Posted by: sdb | Nov 10, 2021 4:11:54 PM
Hi I do agree that social workers and therapist do not get paid enough for the things that they deal with especially when working for an agency, etc. I believe that people should be happy that they have a job. I live in London, ON and been unemployed since my work contract ended in July and finding a job with a graduate degree and experience has been very hard unless you want to work for minimum wage.
Posted by: Dr. Johnny | Nov 10, 2021 4:14:11 PM
Physicians in Canada.... we take live's into our hands everyday and get paid a fraction of what our colleague dentists get paid....
Posted by: cracker | Nov 10, 2021 4:16:46 PM
to: Elizabeth Bunting. Hear! Hear!. I have had only one good boss out of many so I gave up bosses all together. I have never been happier and I never looked back. :)
Posted by: Princess | Nov 10, 2021 4:22:00 PM
I agree with wen - nurses do not get paid well enough at all. Working with infectious diseases - chancing bringing them home to your families - working in a predominantly dominated female occupation (I'm female, and I have always found females to be very difficult with one another) and when you do get sick from the patients - not even being given sick time - I wish I knew this before I went into soooo much debt for four years of friggin' school!!!
Posted by: Steve | Nov 10, 2021 4:26:36 PM
I agree that school teachers are molding the future and that should be recognized. Perhaps the reason why we have so many problems with the youth today & why we have children spending so much time on homework is a lack of classroom time, and teacher pupil guidance. "Maybe" if teachers & children were to spend 8 hours per day in a classroom 50 week per year there would be less homework issues and youth crime issues. Perhaps we can try it for the next 10 years & if it doesn't work we can go back to what we are doing now. I mean, if the children are in class they are not out causing problems are they? :-)
Posted by: Doug W. | Nov 10, 2021 4:43:02 PM
If you NEED to bitch about your job, get a new one. It's probably just an underlying sentiment of your day-to-day life. Most people get into an occupation because it's what they want or are able to do. Most jobs have their ups and downs, we need to make the most out of the short time we are here. Especially if you are dealing with people (exceptions of course to those who just want to take advantage of you or your position).
Posted by: Persephone | Nov 10, 2021 4:58:34 PM
Your list also missed Any one in RETAIL!!
Posted by: alex lexxer | Nov 10, 2021 5:14:59 PM
Teachers make more money than most people and have an exceptional amount of time off. If you feel you deserve even more money then don't go into teaching.
Posted by: Smitty | Nov 10, 2021 5:23:09 PM
I will point out (yet again) that teachers belong on this topic list, given the stress that comes with their job. I know teachers that make far less than their neighbours that work on the line at an automotive plant or garbage collecting in a downtown city (I'm sure they come with their own stresses). It amazes me that people think that a teacher's job ends at 3:30 even if they don't coach. It just demonstrates the ignorance of a population that doesn't value its educators. I don't know how many times I hear the same silly argument, "it must be nice being a teacher...all those holidays, " and in the next breath, "I wouldn't want to do that job!" It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad. I respect teachers, just as I do police officers and nurses etc., I feel people that do these kind of stress filled jobs are to be commended and should be paid better wages. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I wouldn't want to do any of these jobs but I'm so glad there are people who are willing to do them. Here's to putting teachers, nurses and police officers on the list!
Posted by: amy patrick | Nov 10, 2021 5:25:17 PM
Everyone thinks they aren't paid enough but honestly to the teacher who is complaining about being one if you don't enjoy it then leave. Teachers get paid very well, I'm not usre who they thingk they are, their not doctors so I'mnot sure why they think they deserve more money...what's next they want more time off. They only go to school for five years and get more holidays than anyone I know and yet they still complain. They are too funny sometimes.
Posted by: Smitty | Nov 10, 2021 5:44:07 PM
Derek, I too am in a high-stress job that has me attached to my "Crackberry" constantly (weekends included). I absolutely thrive on the adrenaline of my career and love it. It is a kind of stress that drive me rather than drives me crazy and I am very conscious of the difference! My responses to this thread have maintained my point that teachers belong on the list. It is a simple as that. I'm not naive to think that throughout school and University - I got to where I am today without the help of a teacher (Hell lots of teachers) and I know enough teachers to defend their position on this list. Sorry buddy but we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. (I'm pretty certain they are not paid as much as you seem to think they are - more than you?)
Posted by: hilary | Nov 10, 2021 6:30:03 PM
Anyone who thinks teachers work 7-3:30 obviously do not know one well!! The LONG hours a teacher works during the school year easily balance out the holidays (during which, incidently, many teachers spend much of their time working!).
Posted by: CJ | Nov 10, 2021 7:03:48 PM
Teacher, definatly NOT!. Film producer, I thought the title said low pay. Was someone drunk when they wrote this?
Lets try doing it right, there are a number of occupations I can think of before those. How about:
-telemartketer --definatly low pay and talk about rejection and stress),
-automotive service advisor --usually low pay and people are really touchy about their cars)
-driving instructor-- nothing needs to be said here, heros all
-waiter, waitresss--people can be terrible to deal with and the pay is terrible, not to mention the creeps
-farm labourer-- chemicals, dangerous animals and machinery and nowadays constant pressure to produce
i really think there are lots of more deserving occupations....I'm not rocket scientist, nor am i drunk.
Posted by: bob loblaw | Nov 10, 2021 7:21:07 PM
Thankless IT.
Posted by: Blair M | Nov 10, 2021 7:22:24 PM
hmmm. I think this list is compiled by americans hmm (CNN) We all know that teachers in the US are underpaid, not sure if that is the case in Canada seeing as you need lots of education to be a teacher, especially a high school one.
Posted by: Trent Bruner | Nov 10, 2021 7:33:10 PM
Teachers work behind the scenes with lesson preparation more often than people realize. Because many people in society view normal grade schooling as a baby sitting service, it does add to the stress of the job. It also isn't right when teachers are being told by superintendents and eduation directors that they have to be salespeople for education when grade school education is both a right and a responsiblity. Teachers are already doing the responsible thing to make sure rights are protected and promoted. Will the rest of society assume these responsiblity to reduce the stresses they put on teachers knoingly and unknowingly? Any pay raise and pension adjustments these people get in making positive contributions to society must never be questioned.
In terms of this topic, people need to have a reality check as far as the expectations of the job they are in, but others need to give respect to them more often than is done for the fact that they are doing these jobs in the first place. Let's get a proper perspective here. Maybe this way we can lower everyone's stress in the process and build society for the better; for everyone's benefit.
Posted by: pay | Nov 10, 2021 8:37:16 PM
Smitty -- you said it - a teacher is not only a teacher but a social worker, a mediator, a counsellor, a nurse, a mom, a dad, a coach and the list goes on. They SHOULD get paid well for dealing with the multitude of issues that arise day in and day out. And try to plan and teach meaningful- engaging lessons to ensure kids stay on task and absorb ALL the curriculum expectations. Holidays -- yes , teachers get good holidays and they are WELL deserved. Seems to me that those that berate teachers need to spend a day or two or a week within a school to see how much time and effort is put into the education of our future generations.
GO get your degrees - upgrade your skills ( with your OWN money -- not the companies) and attend workshops so you can keep up to date with all that is out there for our kids.
High stress -- I'd say. Low pay, maybe not Well deserved -- ABSOLUTELY.
Many Boards of Education have applications readily available if you would like the role. GOOD LUCK!!!!
Posted by: Karen | Nov 10, 2021 8:49:54 PM
You people have no idea about high school teachers--dealing with kids that parents don't want to raise/have time to fix. Kids can't fail these days...we are creating monsters.
Posted by: Somebody | Nov 10, 2021 9:06:13 PM
Teachers are dealing with kids, some people like kids and all the little noise around them, some people don't. If you don't like it and find it stressful - you are in the wrong fcuking place!!! Nobody forced you to become a teacher and I am sure you knew what you were getting into. Stop bitching!